
http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu ime Wang Can s

Call ! , relationresultLiu Hemengtook a few step toward camp tone, then go .relationresultTwosoldiers with project, behind Liu He ,but was kept in a camp at the entrance of the soldiers stopped .
The waist of the weapons such as Yizhou soldiers dismounted ,which allowed two soldiers with behind Liu He ,enter camp .relationresultA three people,enter camp ,looking solemn .relationresultLiu Hecuff brandish, submissively path : Yizhou Ambassador Liu He ,see King prefecture .
Liu He and ANN ,are just a way ,and no real Yi Li see Wang Can .Whether the last any ,or now, Liu He ,is representing the Yizhou, while Wang Can is merely the prefect of Hanzhoung ,not enough to allow two people to visit .
relationresultBut,as an envoy ,to do things not only be polite ,articulate ,have according to ,have to consider their own identity ,to retain his integrity .relationresultWang Can didnheckle Liu He ,nor a circle ,directly asked : give it to me straight ,Zhao Wei going to do? , relationresultCome to the point,without the slightest do things sloppily .
relationresultButit is precisely because of this, only let Liu he very annoyed .relationresultSo I will callbefore Liu ,prepare a lot of words, want a debate with Wang Can ,will Wang Can in infidelity ,heartless ,wrong position ,let Wang Can going ,admit his mistakes to complete the task ,Zhao Wei .
However ,he asked Zhao Wei Wang Canyi condition is given ,let Liu Heman belly plan says not to come out .relationresultIn this case,let Liu He very frustrating ,irritability very .relationresultLiu Heyan beadsto rotate without stop ,thinking about how to guide the train of thought of Wang Can ,even after said: Wang Prefecture, General Zhao sent Liu he see in full adults ,is to solve two problems .
From the current situation ,the king of peaceful coexistence and Yizhou Prefecture ,is the best choice ,the so-called and two benefit ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu,once the war ,both harm ,for Wang Taishou, is also a disaster .
, relationresultMere trash.relationresultWang Canhey laugh ,said: the sea is not so time to hear you talk nonsense ,since you don say ,I put you cooked ,and Zhao Wei to send someone to discuss things .
Wang Can head was slightly raised ,eyes to camp tent ,shouted: come ,will Liu Hereng to the pot, boil . , relationresultVoicefalls ,two Hanzhoung soldiers quickly came to ,toward Liu Hezou .
relationresultCrane safetyprotection Liu soldiers immediately stand out ,angry .relationresultAlthoughtwo people without swords ,but still and alert ,ready to begin .relationresultWang Can said: Liu He ah Liu He ,that you actually have two keep faithful and true subordinates ,touching !If so ,Moto Oomori helps them ,put their heads cut off .
, relationresultTwoYizhou soldiers after listening to, look into ,but still .relationresultLiu Hesaw the Hanzhoung soldiers marched over, eyes turned ,cried : King Prefecture, you don embarrass my two soldiers ,you kill me, I went to pot .
, relationresultLiu Hehands big cuff a whisk ,laughing : silly, ridiculous ,a Hanzhoung Prefecture should be I a Confucian scholar . Then, Liu He turned to go out of business .He walk very slow pace, waiting with Wang Can called him .
Sure enough, when Liu Hegang walked out of a section of distance ,was approaching the tent curtain time, Wang Can : slow ! , relationresultLiu He Wenyan,immediately stop .relationresultHescared ,he knew the battle down to the truth, Wang Can save the reputation ,is impossible to kill him .
Liu he turned around ,two ,said: the king in full ,you don trying to humiliate me ?Well, if so ,no need ,as long as my own pot, also can let the king so achieve the purpose . , relationresultTheword ,even eliminate band to play ,let Wang Can amazed .
relationresultWang Can laughed,and said: you really are pedants a ,since make a lofty ,a hate .I didn let you down the pot ,but you must own to ,is it right? Want me to you ?Hey ,why is this so? Speak, say Zhao Wei going to do? , relationresultWhen talking,Wang Can waved his hand, will enter the camp two Hanzhoung soldiers killed .
relationresultLiu He wasdepressed, know that Wang Can is a thief essence ,fool Wang Can ,said : the king directly Prefecture ,my general Zhao Prefecture adults willing to bow ,and all counties submissively gave this project by adults ,adults and adults Yizhou Prefecture ,but only one condition is Chengdu remain independent ,Zhao generals and other if the project also remain in Chengdu ,Chengdu Wang Prefecture may not interfere .
, relationresultimpossible ! , relationresultWang Canhired ,refused to direct .relationresultIf theChengdu independence, became the state within a state ,Wang Can could not promise .relationresultLiu Hehumming sound, and not to yield a step ,said : if you promise not to full adults ,I vowed to resist ,Chengdu ,Chengdu has a soldier to have grain ,Wang prefecture to take Chengdu impossible ,then prefect of adults suffer heavy casualties ,but it is not good .
Since the viceregal adults do not agree, then the battlefield . , relationresultTake leave.relationresultLiu hehave finished, ready to leave leave .Wang Can this person is too scary ,be subject to changing moods ,much to stay here a minute ,the more dangerous .
relationresultWang Can sees this,sneered : Liu He ,I Hanzhoung camp, not your family ,not to come ,go as .And Chengdu facing crisis, when your mission ,should die preparation . Wang Can ordered : come ,they will be three people pulled down ,hiding out a finger ,as punishment ,let Zhao Wei understand the what is sincere .
, relationresultDa !Da !... ... , relationresultA hurriedfootsteps came, soldiers quickly ran in, three two took Liu He to leave .relationresultNot long after,camp outside pass three scream sound ,three men left hand little finger was cut off ,then was sent .
Wang Can deep in thought ,shouted: come ,go ask Guo Jialai ! , relationresultConnaught ! , relationresultCamptent soldiers in response to an acoustic ,immediately went to convey orders .
relationresultNot long after,Guo Jia came to the Wang Can camp ,in the king Canhang a ceremony ,and then sit down .relationresultWang Can said: Fengxiao ,Zhao Wei once said to delimit and rule ,today sent Liu he come, is willing to hand over in the project ,but also to Chengdu independent .
From this point of view ,Zhao Wei is the weight is heavier and heavier, seems to be gradually relaxed conditions ,but no direct selection to surrender, Fengxiao think what it is and why? , relationresultGuo Jiathought, said: my Lord, Zhao Wei is a test in master bottom line ! , relationresultWang Can said: Fengxiao ,you mean Zhao Wei to test I will accept the scope ,but also sent to .
, relationresultGuo Jiadiansaid : right, is this . , relationresultWang Cansneers two ,said: good ,let him slowly trial ,the next time the envoys ,but do not chop off a finger such a simple thing .
, relationresultGuo Jiasubmissively path : master words rational ! , relationresultDazhaidoor ,Liu He and around two soldiers are pale ,fear and hope are exposed eye camps ,hate hate look .
relationresultStationed at thedoor of their soldiers to see such situation ,the heart does not stop laughing .relationresultLiuHesan people into the carriage ,to Chengdu to .relationresultCarriagerapid Benz ,and returned to Chengdu ,Liu Hegu must not hand injury ,immediately ran at homestead house ,went to see Zhao wei .
relationresultOne of thePS: midnight ,seeking collection ,flowers ,Monday ,be badly in need of your support .relationresultVolume seventhchapter 413rd in Chengdu occupy Yizhou , relationresultBookshop and updated: 2011-8-4 13:10:34 chapter number :3995 , relationresultLiu He wascut off fingers simple dressing ,has not stopped the flow of blood from the wound ,the blood flows out, will wrap the wound cloth dyed red .
relationresultWith twosoldiers out of the carriage ,Liu he follow in sb. to homestead house hall to go .relationresultSinceLiu Yan died, Zhao Wei quite often have to deal with things ,so Zhao Wei in Homestead house to live down ,rarely return to the original house .

