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Right wing.However this time, but Shi Lang seems to be very town to settle a way:"Please wait for a second, general Lee , since the appearance of defending of Wo person saw, seems to be rather reasonable.Didn't discover before I just took the offensive the base too manily guarded a soldier, can not and in a short while come out numerous enemy's soldiers,beats by dre studio.Be showed from this Wo the person still descended on the defense many times of.If we hastily take the offensive now and afraid of the effect is uncertain ideal."
"Boon, general says reasonablely."Li Yao Dou as if deep in thought head way in location:"What about how to actually soon fight soon definitely?"
"Yes, get the first essentials break the Wo person's to just go."Shi Lang follows to say.
Two sea, 62 soldiers will get to can not help to all sink in to contemplate for an instant in.After leading a long time, Shi Lang suddenly raise a head way:"I had idea."
Can who know that Li Yao Dou of one side also immediately lifts up head to attach and way:"I am also.Isn't equal to so, you I respectively of the viewpoint write down, to for a while how?"
"Like, do so.Bearer, the pen and ink waits upon."Shi Lang full of beansly instructs a way.Treat after bodyguard carry to pen and ink, 2 people the no time for waiting ground picked up pen to write on own center of palm.
"I finished writing."Shi Lang makes the pen putting the way a.
"I also finished writing."Li Yao Dou a raise a hand way.But see 2 people gather together a cake of after tooking a look can not help peeping out mysterious smiling face at the same time.

The second Fukuoka jury misses to stab emperor's case

"Adult, not good.The China soldier starts landing again."City in Fukuoka up, a military school air nervously to guard to show medium village a man report way.Lend clear moonlight, on the city head of guard a soldier easily the ability is a single glance takes in all the circumstance of the sandy beach of underneath.But see and then land a waters in the daytime in the China soldier, a 's loading down the soldier's flatboat is following tidewater and slowly close to pool while escorting a covering of warship and gunboat.Fukuoka that the such certainly lets to took a breather from the offensive in daytime just guards soldier nerve and then for of the strain got up.
"This is there didn't°yet news?"At make sure that the enemy really wins a village show after starting the aggression in the nighttime man anxiously inquiry way.
"Return to adult, temporarily haven't replied.However think necessarily the reinforcement must be working night and day to rush through to here now.As long as we insist through this night here, believe war situation certain will appear a turning point."The inferiority of one side quickly answers a way.
"Insist through this night?Only wish."Medium village show the man hesitated a wry smile way.Face a real strenght sturdy China soldier, always with that the town settles cool-headed Zhao to call of he at the moment but also unbearable in mind rise a kind of hard and covering of worried and anxious and fretful.The soldier faces city under of fear to let he losted stability gradually but again outstanding ability to make judgment.The medium village show anxiously wanted to obstruct the other party intention the man immediately issue order a way:"Issue on order iron cannon brigade to attack!The enemy musting want to make in the future rushed through sea for me to go!"
Right in the middle when the village show man decides to open his to defend city the debarkation troops that the troops Zu shoots China soldier, another in city in Fukuoka one the week carrying defend a pool up, the shock troops of sixth field battle teacher is secretly also lending moonlight to approach Fukuoka's outer circle base in the right wing.Because Fukuoka guards the attention of soldier just at the moment drive Xuan sea beach up pretend of debarkation ground China soldier draw on.Therefore shock troops the whole debarkation process carries on still be regarded as smoothly.
When the sea level of east is suffused with gradually bright, when the northwest of Fukuoka also rings out bellowing of a chain of arms and supplieseses voice, commando unit of first head boat finally a last narrow land under the stone path in the gulf crag.The soldier whom the casual wear goes to battle expertly climb last steep slope.Don't wait the Wo soldier on the steep slope to send out an alert, they welcomed a China soldier commando unit sharp bayonet fighting.Meanwhile, for fighting for time, let follow-up troops quickly debarkation, those small boats that just finished loading commando unit immediately dropped to turn ship's bow to return to render assistance follow-uply troops debarkation.When the first light of day beginning dew that waits until east carries a vestige, the week defends a top to come together nearly more than 3,000 person, and is canning already see the place of city in Fukuoka quickly constitute battle array.
In commando unit outstanding completion their missions of, win the combat of two soldiers of Wo on the Xuan sea beach of another part have already sunk into as well white-knuckle in.With borrow in the advantage on the artillery, China soldier almost bottom the city bomb ruins.For the soldier be apart from farther lord city in Fukuoka also be subjected to loss of different degree.However, city aspect in Fukuoka is equally also a not resigned to playing second fiddle.Although the amount of artillery cannot compares with a China soldier,the amount of artillery leans against advantage of land utilization, city in Fukuoka also lets the China soldier pay in this debarkation not small price.However hard cope with the China soldier that takes the offensive from the front side in Fukuoka of, a burst of violent of bombarding with artillery and interrupting their bitter struggle.
Realize Fukuoka that carry on the back to encounter a set of behind guarded a soldier to immediately sink into one disorder.If say that Fukuoka's guarding before high morale of soldier is to come from bushido spirit with ferocious style, and to the words of expectation of reinforcement, that the eye see defense line easily be broken thus at the moment, Fukuoka guards the last silk hope of soldier is thoroughly fall through.
Meanwhile, is Li Yao Dou who goes on expedition soldier commanding officer to also lift Du with fleet Shi Lang together stepped on the sea beach of nine states.Although now then of Li Yao Dou already the officer does obeisance lieutenant general,he still keeps in those early years a body first the private soldier's habit.In his eyes didn't than front the ground nitric smoke can even let force mood relaxed thing.But see his hands at this time embracing arm to satisfiedly say:"General sees to today's lunch us can enjoy in the city head of city in Fukuoka."
If change to do other will get to say words like this, Shi Lang will definitely feel this person it's too frivolous.However the words like this take a flavor with heroic son in Li Yao Dou's.Because Li Yao Dou was originally a person like this, strong just but again unruly.Those text Zou the ceremonious words of the Zou are anti- to pour in the his mouth will to the person is with the felling of false.In fact, Shi Lang also has some moods at the moment emotionally wrought up.Sees him tiny to raise a head to attach and way:"Yes, really having never thoughting the defense line of Fukuoka will collapse thus and quickly."
"However, you I all thoughted of to break the enemy's method at the same time be not?"Li Yao Dou turns head a counter-questioning of self-confidence way.Originally Li Yao Dou and Shi Lang all without previous arrangement wrote down on own hand on the deck yesterday"diversion" four words.Hence a clap namely and under, 2 people immediately began to direct this moonlit night air attack.The eye sees plan success at the moment, the 2 people natures all walk on air.Previous misunderstanding also immediately vanish.
"Be also regarded as great minds think alike together."Shi Lang splits a mouth a say with smile.If talking about is insolent, Shi Lang can the slightest be no more lousy than Li Yao Dou in the fame in the navy's department.
"General, do you say that we connect down how to do?"Li Yao Dou follows to ask a way.
"That also uses to say, certainly is attack directly Huang Long.Jumping is in-between of each base, directly take the offensive big camp bear of rebellious troops originally.Then, I will lead fleet to join forces for battle in eight sea and the general."Shi Lang without thinking says.
The eye sees Shi Lang's views again agree without previous consultation with oneself, Li Yao Dou right away stretches out a hand way:"That good, we compare them and see who arrive bear first to originally dismantle Jin person's head in rebel chief island."
" Do so!"Shi Lang understands ground on smiling, is with Li Yao Dou shot Zhang a Shi way.
Compare a China soldier the clean and neat offensive is on nine state islands, just in the emperors all the Nanking take up of the imperial house meet to stab a case, but remain be like sink general progress in the mire is slow-moving.After hearing and arguing heated dispute for controling of a morning this day, the members of jury according to practice and still and just and greatly managed a being partial to of temple to enjoy his/her own lunch in the hall.
Can not deny, in addition to there is no water wine this calculating up being a table of very flourishing dinner.However round to sit at the jury member of round table surroundings at the moment, but is inebriate an idea of Weng is not in the wine.Sees them simultaneously have rice, part then to just of the court review to carry on vehemence of discussion.This surely because Chinese originally get into the habit of talking a matter on the dining table.Is also according to the law of China empire, the jury member's in the official records piece takes up a period is disallow to reveal the contents that the case take up to the outsider ground.Consequently Related articles:

