
Beats Solo HD lie Zhang Fei

War horse of opening up, Liu Pi has already been fought Ma Huo to live to drag along to die in Ma Fu under.
Liu Pi fights once the horse run and follow behind his non-commissioned officer immediately dispersed but escape, be blocked up two among those people by Zhao Yun, these 2 people are helpless, have to hand for Zhao Yun Chen to press the horse to go slowly into front.Arrived to shout the most horrifying place, Zhao Yun absolutely not believe his/her own eyes, be later on secretly with arrive of waiter, also not believe own eyes.
"Childe, they arrive of time, the big Ye has already taken general Chen to rush through city inside, that one spacious river coast blood stain spot spot, in addition to dead person be dead person, that condition make people can not witness.Follow behind the emperor walks of in those people, include Tung to accept to take with prince, the big parts all died, connecting aged and weak the women and children didn't also pass, the river inside also has fleeing for life don't fruit of corpse.The waiter reported an officer, corpse is the happy prefecture lays in coffin, our person turns over a corpse before the authorities arrives over, don't find out our person.See appearance, they are to once escape.But general Chen's madam and kidses didn't find out, should was general Chen's closed Wei to protect them to escape.I come back ex- descend dead order, live and appear in public, dead want to see corpse."
Qin Yong saw one eye, I had already become the facial expression of dark and sighed tone to immediately after say:"On that evening, I eavesdroped big Ye and general Chen's dialogue.The persons like emperor,etc arrives Ru south of time, because the person following the activity is too slow-moving, therefore Liu fully takes emperor and own confident with get away from Cao to hold to make track for shot for ran first, while general Chen receive Liu fully of the order took 200 non-commissioned officer escort Dong Cheng wait a person slowly ex- go.This evening, they at river bank Anne camp rest, suddenly encounter the person's raid of several thousand not clear personal statuses at the mid-night.General Chen leads 200 non-commissioned officers to spare no effort holdout, but is the few can not fight the many, gradually be almost exhausted killed, general Chen has already suffered from not light wound as well.Resisting is bright till sky, he just discovers, these Human body that assault is behind on all sides, there are also many person's existence, they spare no effort the big parts of the person of extrication break out of encampment all dead in these hands, runs away several 10 people, also is followed behind to make track for to kill.General Chen impressively discovers that the person that lead the way incredibly is Liu Pi.Scold in his Nu in, Liu Pi says for robbing a wealth.General Chen spares no effort to break through siege, is taken a person by Liu Pi to make track for to kill, run into rush through to come of big Ye, just acquire the opportunity of breather."
"Rob a wealth?This parlance how do I listen to so the ear being familiar?"In the mind Luo Mao for a while, I thought of the matter that the Cao Song dies in an accident at Xu Zhou, at that time the pottery Qian is to say the dead of Cao Song because his subordinate has evil thoughts at the sight of riches and kill the whole family of Cao Song?This is astonishingly and strangely fits?
Qin Yong sighs a way"the childe doubt what, I also doubted, the big Ye was also surprised to ask general Chen at that time.Can general Chen say, Liu Pi should be Huang Jin's leftover evil, the peacetime craves for the thing of gold and silver, doing something liking this the nothing important is also surprised."
"Eldest brother Chen like this says to also have his truth.See, is there this matter hasing already been like this settled sex?"
"Yes, happy county Cheng at inquisitional of time, found out severals it is said that is the person who escapes life once, they tell happy county Ye, person, Gao Han, who kill people on that evening is Huang Jin Jun and for the line way in sky, kill corrupt official.Hum, I see be lend, say intentionally and like this."
I put out strength to put a head and let oneself calmed down for a while:"Was this matter Cao male them to know?How to say society?"
"This matter almost gets about at the Ru south, but has no action here.Cao male affirmation knows.Can most let a cold matter of public in the behind."After Qin Yong said this, the facial expression becomes a heavy anger to hate.

Chapter 228 true facts(2)

"You immediately after say."
Feel not in the right Qin Yong of affair insists on to want to seek Liu Bei together with Zhao Yun, under his persistence, Zhao Yun agrees to arrive Chen with family to stay at happy, wait affair to clear up hereafter pick up person again.All the way and urgently arrived to distance Fan city not distance of time, they caught up emperor and Liu have of person's horse.Let they didn't thought of of BE, they haven't closed to, Zhang Fei's taking a person has already hurtled to come over.
"We have never thought, Zhang Fei opens mouthes and then scolds, and scolding the big Ye is leaving no chance to explain a mean person, a Pan minister, betrayed Liu Bei, betrayed big fellow, and came up and then beat."
Piece flies of is recklessly famous, Zhao Yun how can fights with him, therefore quickly avert from his the first to attackstone and explain why he will rush through to him.Zhang Fei listenned to Zhao Yun's explanation and sneered at 1:"You say is chase to come to render service, that I come to ask you, why did you kill Liu Pi?You not know that Liu Pi is that the lord is male heavy use of person?Is main male under the debt of all of the non-commissioned officer is called by Liu Pi back, you kill him, is the behavior that betrays lord Mr.."
Zhao Yun frighteneds:"It is impossible.Liu Pi takes person at happy greatly open rule against killing, killed Dong Cheng to wait to follow behind many ministers that the emperor goes down south, do I kill him what's wrong?Say again, Liu opens up of the dead is also an accident, I am original meaning don't want to kill him."
Zhang Fei roars with laughter:"Zhao Zi Long, heel your that shameless younger brother, you also the academic association told a lie.Clearly is that you take a person to kill brutally big fellow loyal minister, is obstructed by Liu Pi, but you killed Liu Pi, you poured to turn over to say.Absolutely is to reverse black and white, you are abashed the not ashamed is also."
Cloud is hasty:"Three generals, you I work together for several years, Zhao Yun is what kind of person are you still not clear?Liu opens up with rob the wealth for the purpose kill brutally public is fact, I didn't tell a lie."
Zhang Fei's sneer:"You say of who believe?We are here but have a witness, followed behind the non-commissioned officer that Liu Pi protects big minister to escape back, exposed you to arrive with Chen of scheme.Hum."
"They are to reverse black and white, make unfounded attack upon person.You make me seeing main male, I from meeting to main male explanation clear."Zhao Yun doesn't want that wringing to tie up with Zhang Fei isn't pure, he is anxious to want to see Liu Bei.
"You dream go to, hum, you want to see my eldest brother, affirmation does with malice, like this didn't want you to kill my eldest brother?"Zhang Fei basically doesn't preach a reason with Zhao Yun.
Qin Yong cannoted see and came forward to call Zhao Yun's time to walk:"Big Ye, they not only impervious to reason, also need to plant Zang frame-up.You still return to and slowly figure way again."
He doesn't come forward O.K., this goes, and Zhang Fei held tight reason:"Zhao Yun, do you dare to also say that you are a loyal minister?Hum, this person is such as of servant, you take him to come, obviously with malicious intent."
Qin Yong also angries:"General piece, two soldier opposing campses are each to show its ability, my house's childe, Gao Ren Yi, etc., you don't resent you stupid, but repeatedly humiliate a childe, see on the face of big Ye, I can be on bed terms you to dispute.Can you even the big Ye also wants indignity, I see is you didn't well heart?As for Liu Pi kills brutally public action and hums, in my eyes, perhaps is that you direct at the behind.Seeing an affair has to leaks out, plant Zang frame-up to give us big Ye.My Pei, is this the kind and justice that Liu fully glorifies?"
Zhang Fei where can be subjected to this to scold, spirit shout loudly:"Good your boy, unexpectedly dare in front of me wildly speech, the malice calumniates.Zhao Yun, you killed this person, explain that you are sincerely a regression, I take you to see main Mr., how?"
Zhao Yun Yi listens to, Leng, Qin Yong is my person, he how descend hand injury and he.Again say, Qin Yong's good heart mutually accompanies, again be not hostile it will, he also impossibly and over kills innocence ah:"Three generals, Qin Yong though my younger brother's servant, however not enemy, Zhao Yun can't kill him."
Zhang Fei's sneer:"You don't kill him, explain that you are 1.Since so, I also need not is as polite as you, I killed you first, then take your skull to see eldest brother."He is two words don't say, before clapping right away, rise pike to stab.
Zhao Yun although skill in martial arts at he on,Beats Solo HD, but not desire and he begin, the attack that can again and again avoid him, all of 2 people are superiors, how permit he endures to let, don't arrive ten remaining to match, be connected by Zhang Fei to harm several places.He doesn't strike back to hide, that flies is also must manage Rao person not, appearance have no to give up, lead a few rounds again, Zhao Yun is a signs of danger appearing everywhere, again and again meet Wei.Qin Yong how can see him to run into dangerous and regardless of, therefore block right away before clapping next fly, 2 people fight.
Qin Yong although the skill in martial arts is quite good,compare with with Zhang Fei, also differed 1, spared no effort to resist in, he Related articles:

