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Come, Zhao Xiao Zhuo is like a kid who is discommoded, from Wang Feng entered room have never left his to embrace.
Is numb beautiful a see so, is all wry smile of one face towards seeing one eye, with Yan text.
Zhao Xiao Zhuo of this a moment absolutely became Wang Feng's daughter, several people looking at an in the mind to repeatedly delivered sour, to family misery of small Zhuo more feeling pity.The plain spring son early has thought preparation, Wang Feng also said she with her those the chemisette is some matters, Be just she to also have never thought such a clearly gorgeous moving beauty, not only cry on meeting, but also rush toward in the man's bosom every moment don't leave, see to the man spoiling to the this woman not just general Jiao.The in the mind feels very strange, how meeting is so?
The plain spring son looking at another two stand the full face is at the part wry smile of beauty, naturally, these two women who is also him.
Leave bright for a sky still have a period of time, Wang Feng and small Zhuo lives together.
Is numb beautiful, Yan text, plain spring son three women have to crowded on a bed, everyone each other introduce for a while, know that everyone is a police, three women immediately become to become intimate with a lot.Excitement under, who don't also attend to last rest, always the Di whispered Gu ground to chat the color of the sky to see bright.Their topics have no don't wade, numb beautiful, the Yan text has been feeling that the international criminal police is a very mysterious organization, today finally saw this actually and really at of the criminal police organization"real object", naturally keep asking.
The plain spring son thoroughly gives them explication some kind of,cheap beats by dr dre, finally let two women that together is a police understand what is an international criminal police.Then speak of each all interested in topic to women again, what beauty, clothing etc., after sky is bright, several each women still the idea still don't exert.
For venting emotion, the small Zhuo almost and without intermission makes love with man, she is to want to pass thus exhaustion oneself's physical strength and energy, forget those painful vexed worry.Wang Feng sympathizes with her situation very much, is also the request that makes an effort to satisfy her, in a time**in, realize their profound loves.
Finally, the small Zhuo utterly exhaustedly embraces at Wang Feng in slept in the past, this is that she sleeps the most comfortablely for several days recently of once.
The second day morning, everyone has never attended to up to have a meal, Wang Feng takes several individuals, such as small Zhuo and numb beautiful and plain spring son...etc. to go straight to custody center in the D City.
From was taken bad a beginning last night, Zhao Zhong had been carrying on simple instauration in the medical room of custody center treatment.But the yonder condition basically isn't suitable for to be like Zhao Zhong the patient like this convalesces cure, can have some necessary law clerks to still need to implement, otherwise the custody center don't dare to send him as well to hospitalized treatment, is a custody center bureau chief to also have no this right.Necessarily Zhao Zhong is this mineral difficult direct responsibility person, the future wants to accept court judgment.
At Wang Feng and numb beautiful under the operation, the complicated procedure soon does well, Zhao Zhong is also sent into D City four people hospital, this is a hospital of specialized treatment mental illness, condition still on the whole can.
Wang Feng chooses an upscale sickroom for Zhao Zhong, the all-weather nursing of medical personnel, like this the province dropped a lot of troubles of sufferer family.Later on, Wang Feng directly went toward to beat in the treatment and nursing expenses of 1,000,000 dollars RMB in that hospital bank account.Let this hospital of the director Be almost happy to go crazy, like this and to heart's content take sufferer's family members of money to still keep seeing for the first time.A supervisor pair the director keep several people company in person, until finish doing all procedures.Because the director has designation, must this vice- director whole distanceses accompany.Wang Feng is a God of Wealth in their eyes, how can neglect?
Being rich can make ghost push to whet, this is the reality.
In choosing a nurse, the hospital also pretty much values and picked up carefullya consummate little nurse of 3 young and pretty business, exclusively contribute efforts to Zhao Zhong.
When is 3 little the little nurse arrive together after, Wang Feng wraps from the hand of plain spring son in took out 60,000 dollars cash.Each nurse gave first the hard fee of 20,000 dollars, this is being pair the director's noodles give of, a few little nurses just came to hospital in a little while and suddenly received so valuable red envelope, or was pair the director's noodles, some difficult, don't dare to answer.Plain spring son to this kind of matter isn't a comprehension very, but Wang Feng said, she also has to do accordingly, this is regarded as the particular state of the nation of China.
Wang Feng looking at a pair director, meaning is should you talked.
The that vice- director's smile signals hint and says that they can receive right away, this is the matter to do especially especially for this time only.
A few little nurses are some to nervously lay up money, beginning favour get up.
Wait Zhao Zhong to finish doing a routine check, already till noon.
Wang Feng the hotel for living in D City, please a hospital director and pair director and lord to cure a doctor, nurse to grow to etc. person to have a meal.
Between each seat, Wang Feng gave several personal everybody's 100,000 dollars red envelopes in , certainly is a bank card.These peacetimes have no little accept the leadership of red envelope of doctor nurse long, immediately beam with joy.The director represents medical personnel in the whole hospital to declare, must make an effort the disease of curing good Mr. Zhao and asks family members to trust.
The rest personnel also all means to work in coordination, close cooperation, fight for making Mr. Zhao get well soon.
The small Zhuo extremely is satisfied with to Wang Feng's arrangement, since affair, will actively save, the worried last fire can not have any function, so, her emotion also like a lot of.
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Know Zhao Zhong's mental disorder, Li Shu feels to really regret.She can not face her own daughter's son-in-law, there is also the son to have been living school.
Time that takes noon, she in a hurry arrived to a hospital to see Zhao Zhong Yi's eye, walk.Suggest according to that man, she resigned public position, with concentration to management ground Anne mineral industry group.There are that 20% shares, the all these also had may.
Didn't put forward objection at the this top small Zhuo, how say that she is also her own mother, and business enterprise have to someone conduct to manage.On the board of directors, the small Zhuo didn't oppose, the others are getting more insignificant.So, Li Shu finally becomes the president of the mineral industry of Anne.Li Shu is a woman of strictly and speedily, take care of in Anne the Jian bureau chief river's big wave under, the coal mine being confiscated and sealed also started work.Certainly this is to have price, two general situation dints in the D City all put forward to note a property application.Li Shu asks for the opinion of small Zhuo, small Zhuo basic approval, this is also Wang Feng's meaning.
Finally, Li Shu convenes a board of directors and basically agrees their to join from partnership a request and just still needs company Que on the detail.
Wang Feng has already checked pure a few influences of D City distribute a circumstance, the incumbent Wei secretary Zong Zhen Jiang of D City City is 55 years old this year, he is a mayor in D City to allow up, promote to province to appoint a general secretary, later on again return to D City to take office Chen Dong rather, when ascend Wei secretary in the D City City.So of promote of road, save in the L is also not much.Just because of this, his officer's road seems to be also to is a head, the best result is a tenure a full, arrive province the person greatly allow a vice- director and become the name matches the reality of pair province class leadership.
For all that, he is in person's vein of D City but the most wide.
Believe in to flap a son of river to call to believe in a bamboo, the nickname believes in a lord, is in the Yi red wine deliver youth with dying of Wang Feng's conflict.Is this person the person having a batch of mafias is his effect, the sky the human life of D City is his industry.The under charge has two members dint stem will, one is wear glasses of call Hong Wei, 30 years old this year, be lead a period of time of lawyer, empress because of the false certificate was revoked lawyer occupation qualifications by the court, after have been following to believe in a lord to mix.But father Hong of the Hong Wei handsome Ren then judicial[one] bureau chief in the bureau of the D City, belong to believing in of typical model to fasten officials.Contest energy together with Wang Feng mountain, this year is 27 years old, the ancients in Inner Mongolia red person in the Feng City, once the effect is at boxing brigade in the D City and believed in main bodyguard and hatchet man.This person the born dint is greatly endless, 2005 the L save 98 kilogram class boxing champions, the person's amateur time likes a nelson and freely fights shot, is been called tank by the D City mafia.
Another influence is with mayoral〃 Sung in the D City wear a text for head, he this year is 56 years old, promote to come up from the vice- mayoral〃 position.Its this year of Wei of son Sung is 29 years old, there are several minerals, the backstage owner who hopes to spend mineral industry group, the prestige counts 1,000,000,000.Sung surname father and son conducts in the D City for several years, Sung's wearing a text is a more native local staff, from the national territory resources house in bureau, successive holder section staff, long minor course, section chief, administrative office Related articles:

