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Sin . ,cheap beats by dre, relationresultBiI startled, busy Chanqi two humane : two generals ,please make it clear . , relationresultTwothis specification before after .The original Liu Bao led the people in Malay to the south of Yongfeng in thirty place to stop no, ordered the soldiers to Anyingxiazhai .
The soldiers had just tie the fortresses ,began laying pot and cooking .Liu Baozheng sat in the account of drink ,suddenly : follow income to report ,said in Yongfeng River upstream of the Jin army troops are found to have positive charge ,song .
relationresultLiu Baowen listen to,can be frightened and change color ,hurried along with chapters on a large account watch .It was dusk ,and the far north smoke four, rolled up the estimation of yellow dust ,the red sun with a grayish yellow .
Yellow dust ,countless swords and spears in the sunset under the shining brilliantly ,like the general .Horseshoe hit upon the earth sounds such as rolling thunder general to just tied up the camp Song Jun pressure .
relationresultLiu Baochanged colour ,hastily ordered : well, we have a golden army ,the army to retreat . , relationresultStanding at his side: follow big Jing ,said : the adult section ,then we should not retreat .
Besides we to tie the fortresses ,can resist a ,as long as the camp to another person in the life ,the Bi Zhen Fu save for ,just wait for the Bi Zhen Fu to attack from both inside and outside ,,can break the golden army .
If we but withdrawal ,will defeat as a mountain, and the Jin army bound behind hunt ,our army will defeat .So we can only be in the camp to ,must not retreat . , relationresultThenXie Dongming came to Liu Bao ,beats dr dre,saying: Yeah chapter control right, Liu Festival ,we mustn .
As long as the festival to hold Dazhai, end will be willing to meet with the golden army leader ,wage a life-and-death struggle . , relationresultTwo of themare :the management division ,look at other various Song Jun Yang in arthritis ,Bi ,Li Xianzhong led the army fighting with gold ,although than negative ,but in the end and gold Junzhen knife real stem number field .
But since have followed after Liu Bao, is seeing the army ran ,a battle has not hit .Generals also shameless people ,their hearts are feel uncomfortable ,met with former colleagues all feel low man on a head .
relationresultSo this timeout ,two people agree to full strength ,and the Jin army battle ,also let people know their own is not a coward .When Liu Bao saw that know Jin army to kill ,even to retreat ,so two is really some couldn it was advised Liu bao .
relationresultLiu Baodispleasure ,said: is complete then get to not be opinionated ,he set down what attack the Jin army plan, we would not right here in the Jin army ambush ,and Bi come and save us ?I haven finished my to get here ,we the Golden Army knife under the ghosts ,while the army was surrounded us, immediately withdrew .
, relationresultChapteron talk : Liu Festival ,here have a slim chance of survival ,but a retreat ,will the whole army was wiped out . , relationresultXie Dongming alsosaid: Sir Liu ,if you must retreat ,then left two of us here can ,for you in the Jin army, army had retreated .
, relationresultLiu Baofly ,snapped : need not say ,this is will ,who dare not removed ,the handsome legislation to cut off . , relationresultAs early as inWanyan long to send troops to attack the is decided ,this time is false as the actual attack ,attracting around Song Jun to come to the rescue ,then halfway in the ambush ,elimination of reinforcements ,which is Weichengdayuan plan .
Thus Wanyan long in Shinshu with Bi engagement while ,pay close attention to riverside ,Dexing also sent and Longxing house and other places .relationresultSo Liu BaoheCao Xunyi army ,Wanyan long get notifications immediately .
He also decided to make Liu Bao ,because of Liu Bao are numerous, but the Yan Long know that Liu Bao is as timid as a mouse generation ,never dare to fight with the golden army .Therefore leaving the Wanyan Kuang and thorns to defend the camp ,his own collar ten thousand troops stationed in Yushan ,ordered Guo Xiama led twenty thousand troops ,and ten thousand troops from Yongfeng V ,a collection of forty thousand troops from Yongfeng in twenty ,dr dre beats,the only way which must be passed in an ambush ,only Liu Bao passed from here ,go out and wiped out ,Liu Bao centaur .
relationresultButLiu Bao Dan Xiaoyuan Wanyan length of contrary to expectation ,he was in the Yongfeng there are more than thirty miles on Anyingxiazhai ,not forward ,has not entered the Golden Army ambush .
Wanyan long reported after also make me on the spot ,but it has no other way ,had ordered the V army all out attack Dazhai ,song .relationresultIn fact,when their song to the good ,but the song troops also many, can fully in accordance with the chapter on Xie Dongming way ,in the camp to defend, waiting for reinforcements arrived after meet ,make a front and rear attack ,even if cannot win, never defeated .
But Liu Bao Weidiruhu ,listen : follow and Xie Dong Ming ,to see the Golden Army Shadao, immediately ordered the retreat caesar .His first start, to escape flight .relationresultHefled ,leaving Song Jun natural heart without fighting, chapter on and Xie Dongming although the heart and a golden army battle ,but are incapable of action ,but also led the team with Liu Bao .
The army camp to the song ,and it almost has become almost an empty camp .relationresultWanyanlong see Liu Bao fled ,who laughed ,immediately ordered Guo Xiama led five thousand cavalry to pursue the song .
He led the remaining troops immediately back to the Yongfeng camp ,to ambush ,ready to ambush Bi centaur .relationresultGuo Xiamabrought in ,led the five thousand men chase song .Because Song Jun did not run away ,but Guo Xiama brought all cavalry ,therefore not long after the golden army would catch up with Song Jun ,then make a surprise attack .
relationresultThetroops while not broken arrow army or futu iron ,but also the elite troops ,each Qishe skilled, fanwise ,chasing after more than 20 step team song ,together with bow arrow .
relationresultSong Junthen defeat across the board ,defenseless ,countless behind the song Bing is the Jin army arrows shot ,Canhao to fall to the ground .Even some of the arrow is not dead song Bing ,waiting for them is the Golden Army cavalry of the ruthless trample .
Without an arrow in the song soldiers are panicked ,the song Bing riding horse flies ,but the vast majority of song soldiers are infantry ,also fall over each other racing along ,for fear that their own behind ,is the Jin army shot .
Suddenly people push, crowded, chaotic, trample on each other ,too many to count the casualties .relationresultButthe infantry ran in quickly, however fast the cavalry ,the Jin army after the song after the team did not relax ,arrows ,spear ,sword ,horse riding ,to hunt for .
Along the road are the body of song .relationresultLiu Baothen also regardless of others ,with more than 100 bodyguards tried to hit horse racing .There are many song Bing also spread outward ,the respective ran .
Guo Xiama will also be the Jin army dispersed into several teams ,their pursuit for .He personally led more than 1000 people ,closely pursued on Liu Bao .Liu Bao is frightened be frightened to death ,ran out of breath for more than 20 miles ,until razed .
The steep mountain road ,horses can ,Liu Bao abandoned the horse tossed a, foot pedal hill ,very embarrassed .And the army are cavalry ,inconvenient climbing ,this just forget about it .
relationresultThischapter follows and Xie Dong in the morning has with a team of men ,leaving Liu Bao ,southwest to flee .Because of the Jin army main pursuit Liu Bao ,for them to stare too tight, so gradually get rid of the Jin army pursued ,it had stopped .
In the collection ,to have three thousand or four thousand .relationresultTwo feltthis battle defeated very vexed, because not to beat the Golden Army ,but not with the Golden Army War ,so a retreat down the road .
Later, two people discuss, do not want to continue to follow Liu Bao ,led the army to the therefore decided to finish my .But fear to Jinbing ,daytime can not walk, had to wait until night with Centaur ,copy the path to the state of .
relationresultWalked all night,on the road to collect a lot of the long ,a total of more than 6000 people gathered .Arrived at the dawn come near Yongfeng, also heard fighting voice .relationresultBecause Related articles:

