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East.And our army also canned be regarded as to just stop feet in the region."
"Young man you are a person of honesty."Luo wins to listen to order to nod an applause way.If according to front dynasty force will of habitually meet with this circumstance even if doing not blow to cut an enemy is around ten thousand.Play some trick in the problem that must divide the line in the territory as well.For example debate Wei to pull sweat country especially at black pull Er of mountain with the arctic ocean of west up own an of go out to sea.However summer over Chun since didn't exaggerate military merit, also didn't solve for the demarcation problem of territory doing any of knowing well.But is very detailed true condition in detail of the announcement gave present public.Certainly if summer over Chun very big Qiao if the Zhuo is pleased achievement or want to cover up the words of true circumstance, that he gets to also just invite humiliation.Because to Siberia there of circumstance Luo win an in the mind also how much have a so some number.However the applause returns applause.Luo's winning immediately after and then will throw out a way for scathing interrogation more:"However whether this can comprehend that the activity that wait this for the Er substantially is failure?Because the his majesty at the beginning promises He Ba Lu of Su's fief is at black pull Er of mountain with west of."
Face Luo to win an emanative wily problem.The summer over Chun remains is the dispassion way that doesn't sway:"According to his majesty the plan promise He Ba Lu of Su in those early years should the influence develop black pull Er of the mountain is with the west.But my dynasty then with they with leaf Ni fill river and E finish river for boundary.Now then Wei's pulling a sweat country has been already signed especially, our army also at give wood Si the gram and leaf Ni fill a Si gram to establish under base.Consequently planned into this to complete the half complete half of plans have to make stronger further our army is in garrisoning of the region."
"Does the consolidation garrison?The old man can comprehend this for increase a soldier to Siberia?"Luo wins an eyebrow a pick to counter-question a way.
"Yes, still book adult.With now go on expedition drawing up of soldier a regiment surely can intimidate the soil Zhao of the region.But I toward wanting to stand firm a heel in Siberia.It is going to continue west to enter.Light's depending such a troops is far far not enough."
"Is far far not enough, summer general you good the lion greatly open mouth!"What to deliver words is Lee of the foreign affairs department this time the book is still.But see him sneering at to shake head a way to the summer over Chun:"You these general always what Zhang Kou shut up say the force inhibits, don't make allowance for the pressure of rear replenishment.See my dynasty according to old man since have already obtained a first timing.And those Luo Cha the person also hold in high esteem my dignity of dynasty in the sky.Isn't equal to and then let imperial government parties the diplomatic corps go to sand Russia to pass diplomatic means to force the other party to do to offer for sale a step."
After listenning to the this time views of finishing Li Qi Xin, many present officials all follow to nod to attach and get up,dr dre beats.Obviously in their eyes Li Qi Xin's suggestion pretty much nation according to rite of a spoil style.However equally enter over Chun of the summer that the private is from but don't eat this set of.But see he don't depend on answering criticism of Rao the way is not:"Still book adult, diplomatic means is also an establishment in the strong military foundation.If the our army has no at give wood Si the gram and leaf Ni filled a Si gram to give Luo Cha person not small precept.The afraid of Russia lord isn't likely to reply courtly letter of credence till now."
"You, your meaning is to say, imperial government the result for obtaining in Siberia and Luo's Cha person's all of respectfullly agreeable attitudes is an Er etc. of achievement?"The Li Qi lately- snorted and stared in anger responsibility asks a way.In fact this Luo's Cha person's performance also really doesn't already make the foreign affairs department embarrassed.The beard knows foreign affairs at first department always with Luo the Cha person's barbarism isn't lousy for reason to explains in times before a few letter of credences the disappeared reason was at sand Russia.Can who know this true dozen get up those five big three thick Luo Cha devil unexpectedly thus defenseless.But Russia lord is also after losing two city defenses then favour not the parties person of Die sued for peace to come.
"Do not dare.The end will wait to just shine on order to handle affairs.If there is no the support of rear.Our army now may connect leaf Ni to fill river can not also arrive."The summer finishes the answer way of Chun humbleness.

The second section 322 listens to introductions the minister argument sand Russia two Ge minister the palace outside bottom with each other

The summer finishes a humble attitude of Chun how much slowly each the atmosphere on the martial palace.But listen to the foreign affairs of one side book Zhen Xu still rise well timed of topic a turn a way:"That depends on the summer general judges at the circumstance that Siberia gets in touch with, imperial government this needs to increase a parties toward Siberia how many troopses most accommodation?"
"Return to Zhen general, depend on an end see the imperial government need to increase a parties toward Siberia of isn't a crack combat troops.But is since can in the local Tun Ken again can have the emigrant of fighting strength.As for Siberia defends duty then should with construct fort for weigh.The garrison forces troops of everywhere fortress doesn't beg much.Medium wait cold of wanting of scale the troops that needs a class is all right already.But the fortress must provide with enough artillery and ammunition.In order to prevent resist the raid from nomad's way of life tribe, and provide replenishment and protection to the peripheral emigrant and the exploration."The summer finishes a Chun not not tightly slow answer way.
"Boon, the proposal of summer general is very to the point, however emigrant it matter to people's livelihood.After all the desolate people of this world of Siberia totally knows."Want to shake head an openings way as prime minister's Huang Zong Xi.He this words an export to immediately lead to come to unanimously attaching of many present ministerses and.Compare China toward making people surprise outward and"investigate" speed to say, China emigrant's atmosphere of the dynasty but get behind with as far as the same Europe of ages.This also no wonder that, the citizen as big country in the world owns very thick details for heavily loving soil again.The China common people are more originally low than the European who is being placed in chaotic in whole emigrant's fascination.But Siberia of a long distance jelly soil is again to be placed in inland deep place, what transportation inconvenience bring is a trade of not prosperous.The nature is more difficult attraction person's eyeball.
Seem to be early to expect a meeting to the problem like this, summer over the Chun have never displayed is how low-spirited, but pretty much town certainly of the circumstance for asking around these years of troopses to 15110 of to many minister elucidation way:"Prime minister's adult says right.Compare to Central plains come to Siberia definite desolation.But have the best furriery to hide with the abundant mineral there.In addition have numerous rivers in plain in Siberia.Their forming had been stretching till Pacific Ocean of a natural transportation trunk line net.I wait and discover when the west enters as long as acquaint with the waterway of the region.Can not use to do how much transporting the ability turn into another water road from a water road.But will leave Siberia in the end of, have already had many Central plains of company Gu along these water road with of the form tailgate but go to."
", Does company Gu who has there been Central plains go to Siberia to do business?"Although the Huang Zong Xi's mouth inside is asking a summer to finish Chun,the vision don't aware of self of swept Luo of one side to win.But see as the industry and business still Luo of book win a face up tiny peeped out surprised air, but he resumed equanimity again in a twinkling.
"Yes.Prime minister's adult, according to end know to go to the China that Siberia does business company Gu mostly comes from Jin Xia a take.They win of some people even as early as front dynasty have already started trying to go to these regions to trade.Only because of front toward side pass the warfare is multifarious, Mongolia each and then to Central plains heart's saving hostility these businessmen just don't can continue to go deep into."The summer finishes Chun like solid answer way.
"Is since imperial of there is need in the market of the businessman to Siberia.The imperial government should be providing a help for it."What to deliver words is Sun Lou who sits on Long Yi this time.
"Follow instructions his majesty, minister etc. definitely does accordingly after returning to."Luo wins to listen to the Gong body receive orders a way.Although the industry and business department takes charge of the industry and business industry of empire,the industry and business department also isn't likely to attain every party involved.The big sea road trade always can even be taken care of by industry and business department than the route on land in the foreign trade last profits.But the impress since delivered words in person at the moment Luo win nature also get table a declare a degree.
It is the tallest ruler of China empire.Sun Lou as long as next reach a saint Yu and then can chase to develop Siberia to settle for the main policy of China dynasty.But she didn't do so.She pretty much knows that the development of colony doesn't take the person's will as to transfer.This need that gets from the market to decide.Consequently until Sun Lou has been all being an on-looker to quietly listen to arguing of minister son at the moment.Come to see the over Chun cordial but independent of summer paying attention to actual style to make her satisfied currently.Hence she just followed a summer to finish the topic of Chun to instruct Luo to win.As for the industry and business department can value to arrive what extent that finally still must see Siberia there of repay rate to settle.Thought of my Sun Lou Related articles:

