
Facebook riven away sunglasse

Deliver man's corner of mouth to peep out a silk sneer, one mouthful blood jet, imitate if blood rain, the gold department sprinkles to infuse at own body on, his clothes the speed canning see without the aid of instruments is quick to break, the skeleton transforms, the flesh starts long hair, and imitate if a root point sting is general, keep sticking out!
Along with change body, middle age man's facial expression becomes one red, the Yi tooth La mouth, good extremely ache, two long and sharp Liao teeth in mouth stretch out, the skull is also to start changing, original of person's face, at the moment but is to become extremely ferocious, hair tuft Cu long, have no excessive long, then became the wolf face in a gold yellow!
At this time, far and far see go, this grey hair man is no longer human shape, but changes Wei a huge golden color wolf in the sky, eyes are blood-red, implicit fierce Li, its breathing, unexpectedly from five class fracture Wu Shen, directly soar five class night feather saints in the sky, but the breathing is a bit unsteady, concealed now, good the vitality is consuming.
Distance, Luo maple a time bombards to take down to lose corpse, one one, there is basically no the dint of the holdout in 1:00, wave hand every time, will arouse space vibration, tear to pieces black fog, make people feel disgusted funeral corpse together with those, is all nnihilation with one action!
Attackstone every time, have stem at least the funeral corpse die in Luo maple hand in!
That gold color wolf in the sky changes body completion, immediately and suddenly and violently start a shadow, for an instant, crush under foot space, bomb toward the Luo maple however.
The huge claw son collects however sticks out and toward Luo maple malicious clap bottom!
This a moment, the winds and clouds color changes!
Chapter 356 【home town person!】
n "Bomb!"
The huge claw of this gold color wolf in the sky lifts, unreal on, collect however the winds and clouds color change, repeatedly the lightning flash rises with the breeze, originally just black of black cloud star, in this a moment, millions in inside, the gold departments all became one silver white, terror of bellow Si ring, billowing get abroad, the condition ruins a sky to put out ground, the fright goes to a pole!
Fly up Ca!"
Split key to burst upon, a huge golden color vain claw son, also quickly appear from that unreal-=member's hand beat=*not only this, at this golden color claw son periphery, also have numerous funeral corpses to appear, each , all is golden of color, far and far hope to go, disappear an end, in fact dint, is also come to a Gao of four classes!
"Ha ha, have never thought to close a meal time, I this bio-chemical**can break, boy, you die for me!"
This gold color wolf huge mouth in sky big piece, voice send out to laugh wildly, the words sound didn't fall, that huge golden color claw son woulded be to tear to pieces unreal, at sharpen roaring and shouting of information under, toward Luo maple malicious vigorously promote.
At the same time, those golden color, have already attained four funeral corpses of class real strenght, also in the huge roaring cry, toward Luo maple to very and soon hurtle.
An every drop that the corner of mouth peeps out glues dense liquid and allow who saw don't already is also disgusted."Xiu!"
The Luo maple figure twinkles and appears every time, will appear a golden color to lose corpse over there flank, a Zhang hits, directly ground crack.No matter is x-rated four classes to all want to die still, under a shot of the Luo maple!
But that huge claw son in gold yellow, the horizon of Mi Man , on seeing to go, seems the whole sky of black cloud star, department drive this golden color the huge claw give all overlays, there is basically no a little of rest of ground.Originally is the sky of one utter darkness, but shine in glory in this claw son under, the gold department became a golden color!
The Luo covers with to move an one step each time, that huge claws will follow ambulation and killed numbered in the Luo maple shot dry funeral corpse behind, finally is taking to bomb Long Long of huge ring, hurtle Luo maple malicious vigorously promote pass by.
Luo maple facial expression coolly, the Jing didn't avoid being seen, be so abruptly grasped therein by the huge claw, of in a flash, the spaces on all sides all drive it directly ground crack, the Luo maple is thin the small shadow of human figure , under the area of this golden color huge claw, seem to be not basically attractive, but bombard a moment,the target is extremely precise, don't differ one silk ten cents!
"Seek dead!"
Suddenly, the orotund cold Lie of Luo maple appears, over there in the look in the eyes of golden color wolf fright in the sky, that huge claw is abrupt however tear to pieces, the crack isn't big, but one personal shadow that come out among them from that, but is let the frightened desire crack in its heart.
Once the big You jilt, arrogant star dint Mi Man and, its Wei presses of strong, appear of, would be to destroy on all sides the whole things, in addition to that huge golden color huge claw outside, all things is even if those four classes to lose corpse, under the star dint of the Luo maple, is also the dint of the countercheck with no the slightest!
Accompany with wretched interjection, those lose corpse, a gold department ground crack but open, the body blows up, the foul smell blood fills the air horizon, once the common run of people smell can deliver all over black, directly drive poison psychological attack, cause to die.
That wolf hasn't responded to come over, the Luo maple woulds be to twinkle but go to, its speed, unexpectedly than before still want quickly ascend some, the wolf a burst of fright in sky visiting fears.
The Luo maple personality is originally a strictly and speedily, basically have no the slightest hesitant, twinkle but go to, would be and make moves to polish off it.The star dint Wei of light blue contains strong Wei to press and all fill the air at the right boxing of Luo maple on, this shot, if shoot, this person even if have been already broken now, attain five class star Yu Wu Di, is also is certain to die!
"You shows consideration!"
Just at this time, the distance is suddenly a to greatly drink to spread, Luo maple eyebrows a wrinkly, is also tiny on the hand.
If common, he absolutely can't the slightest show consideration, person ask for him, he wants to kill,cnn.But now, after hearing this voice, Luo maple originally like equanimity lake noodles general heart bottom, but is tiny tiny one earthquake, unexpectedly be suffused with to have a little bit some ripple.
The title hopes to go, sees several airplane diseases in the distance fly since then, although is incognizant is what battleplane, it soon of quick, the battleplane of JB of ratio doesn't know a quick how much.And fly of, voice very of small.If isn't that the Luo maple real strenght is super strong, the ear dint is terrible, even if is that it cans not necessarily discover to decline to drop down.
The battleplane flies into, seem a person general, there is basically no landings process that other battleplanes needs, but kept so to straightly stop down, vivid its function, let of Luo maple greatly for praise highly.
The passenger compartment opens, from that, fly a several people, all wear lounge suit, the eye takes sunglasses, the hair isn't long, with the breeze elegance.On their bodies, have qualities that only holds, at see their for an instant, the Luo maple woulds be stunned speechless.Because this qualities, only then he can feel clearly, also only he clearly white white!
"You are" hopes these people, holding doesn't be the lounge suit on their body, asking of the Luo maple Leng Leng way.This split second, on his body of cold fierce the over gold disappear and only see a home town a person of that warmth.
"I am an Ai the building lord of that building, Chen Qing.These are severals, all Tang the elder of that building."
Don't know why, Chen Qing original wrath of Yi sky, after seeing Luo maple, but is to suddenly disappear, tiny tiny on smiling, immediately after way:"We see you's real strenght arrogant and originally want to invite.
But you have already so killed many people now, this gold wolf, pass!"
Luo maple eyebrows a wrinkly, orthoptic man double eye, light tone way:
"Can you pick the sunglasses?"
Promising is a , the man reflects sexual of is going to take off sunglasses, but descend for an instant, the face of original equanimity, is abrupt however arouse to move.
"You say what a do you say a part again?"
Sunglasses, the appropriation phrase on the earth language!After he step an Earth, would be have never heard as well as once see any further.
Originally was a black black Liao cloud star, still keep taking a to faint sunglasses, look a bit weird, but he is to want to look for and looked for a home town person and looked for the Earth person!
He knows that have a dynasty on the first, if have who can recognize this sunglasses are then it a home town person, would be oneself bitterness bitterness look for a home town person who teach ten thousand years!
The Luo maple corner of mouth frost is one silk smiling face,Facebook, didn't answer, but was a light tone way:"The Earth?"
Is silent!Thoroughly from go to a cool book city hand to beat Shao silent!
Chen Qing keeps to straightly looking at Luo maple, the momentary also forgot to take off the sunglasses on eyes, a long time, just respond to come over, with others to see one eye, cachinnation way:"The person of the home town, home town person!!!"
This a moment, Luo maple the canthus is moist, open seven Chinese foot men, five classes of real strenght terror strong, there is tears downfall.
About to die abyss, the Ai is that building habitat, palace in.
The Luo maple sits on the right side seat on, in addition to he, would be Chen Qing to still have that another 3 people.
Chen Qing at this time has already riven away sunglasses, beautiful and slender face on, a little bit a little bit full with beard residue, look, pour is have already grown indescribable flavor.
Rest 3 people also all rived away sunglasses and peeped out original side to permit.Meet a home town person, especially in this galaxy, that warm felling, obvious.Seem oversea traveller, suddenly saw a Chinese, that kind of.the person of hometown see Related articles:

