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, ,laugh sound can be heard without end ,blink of an eye has the newly married Yang Yan GEE clothing cut into a dozen pieces .relationresultButwhen Yang Yan returns to the inner door, looked at, stood before it was captured that day in Guizhou ,to attack his four dragon .
At this time Zhao Qianru also has from the shock of what God come from the gallows ,hastily take the wind forest volcano pass Yang Yan, said: Yan Lang ,fast with a knife . , relationresultYang Yanbackhand took the sword, the heart thinks lucky ,if not continous grain half make fun of the weave wind forest volcano placed in the bridal chamber ,then this can be dangerous .
But in the face of the enemy ,he would not dare to look back ,said: quickly hide in a corner .I ,don let him in . , relationresultZhao Qianru listened,also knows martial arts is low, then help Yang Yan ,only to become Yang Yan he retreated to a corner .
However, he picked up a bench ,as protection .relationresultThencame a loud peal outside ,Zhong Za came in through the door ,said: Yang Yan ,today you die here, you two to Hades again to do husband and wife .
Said body Feizong ,palms comic to call Yang Yan ,also a dragon sword to Yang Yan .relationresultThe original Yang Yansoon and Zhao Qianru married the news reached Guangxi ,Zhong Za decided immediately ,lead to teach in the elite secretly sneak into Ling ,by Yang Yan wedding night ,the assassination of Yang yan .
This time they are almost all have one master ,lefter clock stone wing ,King Chen Ziming ,King Xiao Tinglan spirit ,Lord Zhong Zhenxian ,Zhong Xinyu green dragon ,white tiger ,Shenggu ,Suzaku ,genbu four ,plus five people scattered in Wentian ,Cao Yan ,Huang Kun ,Fu Shan four all department ,executive this task .
Just as in Zhao Cao too attract sb. ,to put him to stay in Leizhou ,and Lai Wenzheng ,five flags all left behind .relationresultInhidden in Ling the right light to the arrangement, they went into the Ling pedestrian ,and made detailed plans, going on in Yang Yan go into the chamber ,after the wedding ,vigilance to a minimum time .
Unfortunately, as they were the time ,but Gu Xueping and two tigers found a flaw ,also make Yang Yan with vigilance .relationresultBut now thesituation is not optimistic ,Yang Yan knew only just a little bit worse than their dragon martial arts and others, and bell Za Kung Fu is above his own, the two of them together, he is not the opponent .
Of course they want to break through two person double-teams ,out of the bridal chamber to escape ,beats dr dre,to have a living machine .But Zhao Qianru also in the bridal chamber ,they could not escape, but must stay inside the house door, but by Zhong Za or dragon dart back room, no matter who, to Zhao Qianru two two-bit Wugong ,fundamental lack of self-preservation ,and will no doubt .
relationresultThereforeYang Yanyi stay at the door step ,do not move ,waving wind forest volcano bleeding sweep away the millions of enemy troops in battle is engaged . .Knife roll up layers of airtight knife waves ,rolling on to two people swept past .
And the knife attack ,fought desperately ,are all sent to forget about one fight game .relationresultZhong Ziangand the dragon eyes only feel this inflation ,strong management ,each knife all hard hearts ,also does not have .
relationresultDragonKung Fu is high, but it is just way ,lack of experience, then immediately back to the sword ,the defense, to look forward to the Yang Yanli exhaust after to counterattack .
But Zhong Ziang knew it he was in World War II ,the advantage ,but Yang palace servants, guards ,bodyguards may come to support ,but what it is in the city of Ling ,there are numerous in the Song Dynasty .
So it must be quick ,as soon as possible to kill Yang Yan ,escape from Ling to .relationresultSo theclock dial Za palms ,sweep picking ,point ,uncompromising and Yang Yan attack .A second pocket knife has been on more than 10 ,still a knife to palm ,rubber wrapped .
When the Dragon saw Zhong Za resisted Yang Yan ,immediately with the attack .relationresultButYang Yan also not to yield a step ,cheap dr dre beats,both hands holds the handle ,continuous cast a wings fly together ten speed is the soldier action , wind forest volcano rolls out piece scouring general screen ,but two people all wrapped up in one .
But a more aggressive management of oppression, is unexpectedly without failure .relationresultZhong Ziang heart ofsurvival ,Yang Yan bridal chamber also put to the sword out of his contrary to expectation ,and Yang Yan martial arts than last year Manichaean attack Guangzhou, seems to have become a lot, although perhaps not their own ,but it is not far away ,it seems today although a dragon to help, but defeating Yang Yan but it is not an easy thing .
The right hand palm such as vertical knife ,only to Yang Yan, face off ,the left hand and fingers like halberds ,straight to the point Yang Yan ,each with different tricks ,but like nature itself -- highest quality ,no flaws .
relationresultOne ofthe swords ,dragon also shed a light ,with Bell ZA, will all of Yang Yan they closed .Two people together, and also without reservation, service to thunder million are potential to kill Yang yan .
relationresultIn fact,Yang Yan own heart is clear, that a wheel without fancy an AC hit, has made Yang Yan splitting ,sore arm ,chest gas tumbling ,the viscera was like being torn ,could not endure .
He could not suffer is to escape ,even must hold the door ,even half a step can not move ,so in front of Zhong Ziang and the dragon and stormed up ,can only choose and bell ZA beat .
relationresultYang Yanyi skill ,suddenly catch rises to the highest limit ,regardless of their own and in palm ,finger ,sword ,bleeding and blade in a last resort battle to the other two people slashed the past, is a cause destruction to both sides play .
relationresult******************************relationresultWhen themoon emerged from the clouds in the earth ,and shone again bright .relationresultThe yardfight noises by alarmed many Yang palace servants, plus iron forest and Gu Leiping suddenly shouted thief ,assassins .
The tiger in the roaring ,therefore also have driven out, even the young full ,tassel ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com,Rui Yan et al were alarmed .relationresultManichaeismin person to many, but the wedding place is too narrow ,the other people also can not insert into the hand ,but are in the bridal chamber and guarding ,don other people close to the bridal chamber .
Zhong Ziang and the Dragon two people inside to kill Yang Yan for time .relationresultWhenYang house servant house has been out of thirty or forty people, also knew something was wrong ,and commanded them to young full bridal chamber attack ,hope rescued Yang yan .
But Yang palace guard is in how these retainers from master rushed up one have poured in the bridal chamber door .Even young full also changed with it ,although not fatal ,but also lay on the ground, not getting up .
relationresultWhile Gu Xueping andTie Chenglin were Xiao Tinglan ,Zhong Xinyu ,Suzaku three people surrounded ,the three man is the master of tens of Manichaeism ,only two back-to-back against the enemy ,for support ,but also try to protect themselves, and the no hand to help others .
On one side of the tassels and Rui Yan looks in the eye ,anxiously at heart ,but by the time they two weak woman then no way .relationresultAt this time,Meng sound to Yishengchangxiao management ,male Pei extremely, was in command of all hold the bridal chamber door bell from stone to be startled at the gate ,but ,the ability of the looked not in Zhong ZA .
Yang Fu was the master what .relationresultArebell stone wond occasion, three shadows falling from the roof of his .Under the moonlight ,three people are old, intermediate a pale gold ,a ty .
On the left side of the head with a hat, fisherman dressed as a man ,the tall ,but the back projection ,was a hunchback .relationresultZhong Shi,although only know left the fisherman Related articles:

