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, Originally thought to run to in the avenue, can there is also personal help, where thought of these people to seem to have already used to see this kind of affair sort, unconcerned, the indifference arrived this situation!
The foot is more and more slow, the body more and more felt can not stand!Who will stretch out to help of hand!She seems and gives up and turns head to took a look, a few big fellows also follow behind, ferocious looks at at present.
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Gold Hui and the gold carp 2 people's eyes Zheng almost want a head of to bump consumedly the dead is down the avenue, they return a company to measure so goodly, can the opportunity didn't give them the possibility of any performance!The piano is rather purple this only fear the world not disorderly miss early made moves!Their 2 people really regrets now, why effortless practiced before light achievement!
The piano is purple to rather see that miss to fall on the ground, behind make track for of a few big fellows, the stick in the hand has been already happened, where also hesitate, a lightning flashes flies a body and suddenly disappears at Luo easily and nearby and again appears while being public in the moment, on the tip of that miss of nearby.
The list hand is one Lan, pulled that miss to a body side, a confusing confused Liao stired and hurtled on a few most anterior big fellows to retreat in succession, and the stick in the hand splits to suddenly and violently fly!
Surroundings of the person have never thought a miss house and incredibly have so severe fighting skill, the eyes seeing all kept.O.K., the piano is purple to rather isn't a woman of beautiful as a fairy, otherwise, sensation of effect will larger!
Several persons who chase in succession lived a step, said that they aren't frightened, that is to play hoax on.At face a river living, or many or little, all want on the knowledge Gao other people's a head of, what person can provoke, what person touch not get, in the heart but have number very!In the their eyes, the piano is purple rather is that kind of can not provoke of person, don't visit a miss house, can the miss house is badly too many.And, ability at river very cocky miss of lake, all have very big position, who don't dare to say as well she after death of the strength is what she can cope with, unless Yang Wen Di dares to say so, can Yang Wen Di will have this kind of behavior?
That miss feels oneself's waistline a tight, an emollient arm hugs ascend own waist limb greatly isn't quick in the heart, embarrassed beyond words, oneself is a woman!How very casually of hug to embrace, that is what a scandal!Zheng two times, can where ability taking off of Zheng, greatly sigh in the heart unlucky, just took off dangerous spot, and then entered wolves!
She is feeling deeply about her own beauty unlucky in life, a ring out clear and crisp pleasing Qiao voice:"Is each, get the Rao person's place and Rao person, see on the face of this miss, have what rubbish say!"
Those big fellows a listen to she talk soft, the flame of anger came up again, overbearing way:"You know we is what person, dare to set against with us, live of Be getting more impatient!"
"How did this miss give offense to you?"The piano is purple to rather press down to want to chase this a few guys ground felling, low voice of ask a way.She now but hand Yang the Yang is very.
The big fellow Yin of taking the lead smiled two, way:"Seeing you are also mix in the lake at the river, should know some rules, this is mean vulgar is us of family slave, stole host in my house's wealth and properties, personally escape!"
The piano is purple rather a burst of hesitant, this is a very tough affair, escape Nu, according to the rules of in the past dynasties, is all capital crime.
That miss after listenned to the voice that the piano was rather purple, stopped a flounder, since everyone is a woman, embrace for a while also nothing important.Now a listen to those guys incredibly the Wu sink himself/herself, favour way:"Elder sister, don't listen to their blah, they are the feminine beauties that has a liking for young girl, and then see young girl single one person, not only robbed my thing, but also very mean!"As for how mean, he is a yellow flower virgin, really say not to export.
The piano is rather purple on listenning to, incredibly is this kind of affair, the quick temper is getting bigger!A pair of good-looking almonds eyes, now, cold light Shan's Nu track:"Good you a few guys of like a swines, descend to make unexpectedly and thus!Damn!"Say, will make moves.
Or Luo easily respond quickly and spread a sound way:"Is small rather, don't begin, frighten them all right!Ask their understanding to smell maple leaf, or is it the power wild goose that fly, say that we are their friends."Does he still really make use of a resources!Fly with power wild goose, or is to smell maple leaf, have what relation, is also the prisoner that once was a somebody else!
The piano is rather purple one Leng, in these two individuals, she once heard the power wild goose flies, really don't know Luo easily and incredibly will be their friend!She but comprehend wrong!
The big fellow for taking the lead would not like to she this kind of parlance, is facing a river, they is big of very, in addition to a few next persons in the door of princes and dukes nobilities, they still really have never feared who!But the tone of this woman is a lot too big!Play the drum in his heart, but before so many human faces, let him lower the head, the affair with no a face, he is still true difficult do!On still not depend on not the way of Rao:"You this is mean vulgar, unexpectedly humiliate big Ye in your house, the miss pleases hand over to me her, will certainly appreciate not to exert at the inferior person!"He doesn't dare to make sure as well, this woman whether really have what position, so words ascend polite many.
The piano is purple to rather hear easy words for Luo, also halfhearted consideration, cold hum a , way:"Important person, can, arrive power adult or is smell adult your home!"She feels the miss body in the bosom one Jiang, don't put in the mind.
Once a few big fellow facial expression change, the vehemence is abrupt however keep falling, imitated a Buddha to hear what darned affair sort, the voices all a little bit shiver and meticulously ask:"The miss is a power adult of ……"
The piano is in mind purple to rather see in the eye, smile, can still in all seriousness of way:"Friend, your important person is his your home to go to like, believe that the power adult takes pleasure in making contact with you very much!"
Cold sweat soon climb last a few foreheads of big fellows, the voice doesn't become a sentence, facial expression in fear way:"Miss you the adult don't record mean person to lead and pass us this time!"
Luo is easy them are absolutely dumbstruck!The power and influence influence that this power wild goose flies isn't so big!Several just still overbearing domineering guy, now incredibly one die to happen appearance!
The piano is purple to rather see one miss in the eye bosom, thought to is the opinion that asks for her, who know that that miss basically didn't see this several people, anti- pour to curiously ask her, "the elder sister is river lake middleman, no wonder that the fighting skill is so good, I follow you river's lake how, beg an elder sister!"Say, incredibly and greatly there is the trend to cry bitterly to shed tears.
The piano is purple to rather feel his/her own starting a little bit and greatly, this young girl has a liking for to is also 56 appearances, the fighting skill isn't very high either, can the ambition isn't small, unexpectedly want to walk river's lake, she still thinks what river's lake is!The back yard of her house!She saw easy one eye of Luo, those big fellows still the station is over there, again don't walk, the city defends of the person came right away!
Luo easily flicked to wave hand and had already let those big fellows walk.If a few big fellows receive general amnesty, as if the dog of funeral house, connect the disappearance rolling to take to climb is in the public eye.The person of the surroundings sparse sparse Shu spread to open.
"You still don't get up!"The piano is purple to rather looking at that young girl to seem and depend on in her bosom and cannot help but staring her one eye.That miss flew to like stand, the face ascension rose lovely of red and dizzy.
The piano is purple to rather tidy up clothes for her, in the heart really a little bit cant not bear to, although the material of clothes is quite good, can see that dirty strength, the elephant didn't for months and years and never once wash, a face Hui soil all over the face, also can not tell what appearance, can a pair of big but bright eyes, really draw on a person very much!
The gold Hui and gold carp still just alas voice sighs, a good hero saves the opportunity of the United States, have no like this!However, see in that manner, hereafter be still there is opportunity, this miss may be have already been begged to a piano purple rather, the facial expression is a little bit pitiful, let gold Hui and gold carp feel cant not bear to!
The head that the piano is purple to rather feel a true beginning of oneself Be getting bigger, this is already which the time had this kind of to feel!She helplessly sees Luo easy, hope that he can make a decision.But Luo easily don't want to announce an opinion on this affair, he sees that woman is a little bit pitiful, but always, in addition to rather having already grown puzzling good will to the purple piano, to the others, how say Related articles:

