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Can be imagined ,he tried to be in the hands of the teeth it up ,but the power is suddenly disappeared ,the handle is world famous artifact ,never is the aspect of battlefield intrepid weapon ,finally on the ground ,white light has not previously been to one style .
relationresultRenaultknow it is the end of life ,somehow he suddenly remembered initially followed his father and unified tribe when day ,remembered that when pulled IELTS hill two fighters in a conversation ;relationresultIf you really put the continent underfoot what will feel ? , relationresultm notinterested to know .
I just want tribal unity ,never by any bullying .... , relationresultMy father really can unite the people ,then we will be powerful ,it is not free from the bullying problems, but to put all the bullying back ,Beats Detox.
! , relationresult.....Renault. Bullying can never return ..... , relationresults right,cheap dr dre beats,it will kill them all ,this beautiful continent should all belong to the orc , relationresultIf the mainland belong to the orc ,it may not be so beautiful .
... ( to be continued ,such as for his funeral, please visit www**m ,section more ,support author ,support the genuine reading !) , relationresultThe firstrelationresultThe two volume of the one hundred and seventy-one chapter , relationresultPeople say thatmemories are often death to find you is the omen ,any student leave this world when ;will remember the most important thing in life ,the most memorable thing .
relationresultHiloG does not care about these ,he only knew a great honour in the eyes ,as long as the hand of God CD sword through the unable to resist the orcs ,that his name is all sung .
relationresultDie !The devil and the so-called hero ,people shouting out the enduring slogan ,his hands gripping artifact brutally stabbed to forward .relationresultThefull light fog sword like psychedelic Changhong went straight in Reno ,as was about to the orc King open time, change processes, in the stone wall beside suddenly out of a hidden trapdoor ,from inside the room suddenly rushed out a figure ,the speed is not fast from the outbreak in ,he completely reach the warrior should sprint speed, but the trapdoor in emperor by the pillars of the next ,so even if he doesn he is timely arrive ,is opening her arms to stop on the emperor ,had to cut the sword of god .
relationresultThechanges come unexpectedly makes both sides feel surprised ,humans are surprised how from the wall suddenly appeared a man ,and this man is dead for Renault who despised blocking artifact ,to know if there is room if it should be the most important emperor hid inside it ,how will be the one to the crucial moment for a dead person ?relationresultConsideringthese problems ;Hilo g not only to be God of binocular cutting sword person, that is not specifically for death of victims ,he is an orc ,emaciated orcs ,of course this emaciated ,is relative to the orc fighters ,and humans than he was surrounded with multiple .
relationresultThe orceven did not wear armor ,who is just a black and silver to gown ,God cutting sword from this gown encrusted in, large femoral blood poured out toward the outside .
relationresultHebrew ! The emperor amazement that all mysteries are solved ,that is the Renault three children; childhood because of serious disease leads to institutional weak destined to become the soldier of the hebrew .
He was in a human attack older was ordered in the chamber ,after all, Jane ,the hands are needed to prove the testament .relationresultBut thiseven Tomahawk have to lift to the orcs ,in to see their father will be killed, he broke the others stop fling caution to the winds rushed out ,for the emperor stopped the fatal blow .
relationresultSuchaction is not quite rational ,this hall has been the basic human control ,even if this is a sword to kill RJ, Hilo G can come the second sword .relationresultButsometimes .
Loyalty and bravery has passed !relationresultHis sonbefore being pierced .This for anyone who is not a small blow .Moreover, the son also has own heart the most is not the .Renault Lanzhu bathed in blood to hebrew .
Left hand out medical reels timely release .The emperor first blame the son of courage .relationresultThisaction will not on what humans have touched .The draw back to God cutting sword above his head .
Hands holding sword to cut hard .She looked to be in front of a father and son were split in half .relationresultSeeingall the network ,is now all knotted .She is strange elder brother .
But do not know how to blame .You know she is obviously can escape but this basilica .As for my father to give up life .relationresultThe crystallight fog sword in air is only stopped for a moment .
With an irresistible force manner, cut to who has risen to the Hebrew medical light behind him and to renault .relationresultSodetermined to no success .Perhaps that is not successful is not accurate .
It was a success but did not complete the original goal .This sword in half changed direction ,Beats by Dre Just Beats.Cut in a blazing arrow .relationresultHilog putting God cutting sword hit when, suddenly found a mass of white near the fire ,through the countless spell armored infantry ,also made a number of ashes .
In the direction of your urgent fly to .relationresultThis time,mankind is faced with a choice ,this is hard by a fire directly struck the Empire leader ,or turned to fend off the attack back to kill renault .
Such a choice is not a easy thing ,if hard by the fire that is certainly can guarantee strength cuts racial enemies in the front of the body ,but who do not know the fire element the highest form of fire ,on their own harm .
It may be directly melted ....But ,if turned retaining back to this group attack, that is to kill the emperor action brought no small variables ,this should not be a soldier what .
...relationresultHilog eventually chose to turn to block attacks ,human or on their own head more love !relationresultSuch a decisionif placed in the usual course is no ground for blame ,but on today is enough to let the stars fell plan the ultimate goal to complete the error .
relationresultBecausethe regiment fire ;followed by an overhead flame energy crown ,holding red sun ,and red Orc tall spar .relationresultNotBOT who else? !relationresultDragonSergeant speed is in normal human eyes cannot capture ,as through the main hall of the meteor, he is almost and fire mission arrived at the same time ;the sun god hand without any delay in the detonation ;just cut loose fire mission in the block in the chest of God CD to the sword .
relationresult as peaks explosion sound ,Hilo g the people attached to the other side of the wall , relationresultBehind the rockmass fracture ,and light fog dissipation out in order to resist the blow out all the magic crystal .
relationresultA strongpush back the enemy ,the red light regiment BOT corner rolling impermanence ,on the two handle artifact ;a mist wreathed in flame ,a dazzling blood Everbright sheng .
Plus red spar on the dry skin and shoulder pad with the spine head ,wild fierce momentum is obviously ,shoulder the wound not only non-destructive this momentum ,but adds a bit of texture with the rest of your life .
relationresultFor a timethe spell armored infantry was taken up ,facing a mythical ,enemies ,these elite warriors are unable to withstand the back a few steps .relationresultThe use of humanshort retreat, network boots on the flashing ;several landing also stood beside Bott, archduchess no nonsense ;direct went quickly to the emperor and Prince . Related articles:

