
Facebook fact the person of a

The arm that vividly leaves Ma Chao slightly took to angry ground to hate Ma Chao Yi's eye and ran into inside the house.I then flurried block in Ma Chao's in front:"General, general, you pass fine son, she really indisposition.Another day another day and definitely keeps you company."
Ma Chao put handle knob under the nose to smell smell and said with smile:"It indeed as expected is this flavor.Hey Hey, I returned to first today,Facebook, tomorrow also come.You tell your younger sister, had better not want to escape, understand?"
I repeatedly nod:"Is understand, we understand.The general pleases walk well, please walk like.Thanks thanks."
Ma Chao's cachinnation writes to take huge virtuous leave.I grow an one breath and entered inside the house:"This horse Meng rises and also really has a little title.Younger sister, heel he, also not Kui."
The history is graceful silent a short while, suddenly smiled:"Be elder sister still is like a dance-hostess than me?Ha ha, this horse Meng rises also only so-so, he how also surprisingly his everythings all in the calculating of elder sister."
This next is my wry smile:"Younger sister, you be really.Being not general horse either is surprisingly, we are to have mental arithmetic to account not intentional, he ascends this to be very as usual.Younger sister, general horse how say to is all younger sister's future husband, you can not he think of too incapable."
The history friendship smiles to shake head:"I can't think so.If Ma Meng rises to have no the least bit commendable place, elder sister again how the membership dues devote to think him lane walk?I am just smiling, he puts all of all attention on my body, but also cans not tells the elder sister's different place at 1:00, this Kui, he eats settle."
I also smiled:"See, in the younger sister's eyes, I am a very exorbitant woman, there is no one silk woman's flavor, you afraid I?"
The history friendship shakes head:"Not, I respect you.A women can make an elder sister this, hardshipses in it my apprehensibility.Elder sister, will you want the business that I chase today to conceal during a lifetime?"
I nod:"Meeting.Younger sister, conceals this matter relationship with me not big, mainly is think for your happiness writing.In case of after knowing to settle a dispute actually, general horse appears some other viewpoints, to you, to Cao Mr., to your none of younger brothers is good."
The history is graceful to stubbornly continue to ask:"But, the elder sister always doesn't can like this lead lifetime?Although you didn't say with adopted fathers what, can I know it in heart, the relation between elder sister and adopted father will never be a hearsay in of so in brief, are you in fact the person of adopted father, right?"
I don't answer criticism and also deny, just light a smile:"Younger sister such cleverness, how will ask one question like this?For the sake of your younger brother Jie of the future, the problem like this, can not ask the second time again."
The history is graceful silent for a while:"I understood.But, I want to ask an elder sister, is you what feelings to the adopted father?Only is admiration?"
I in earnest answer her:"At Cao male eye in, I am a very able man, did you understand?"
The history is graceful right away way:"Since so, did the elder sister can once think own ownership?Probably general horse knows behind ……"
I interrupted her:"It is impossible.To me, general horse however is the younger sister's husband, if you the always faithful to Cao is male, I will are my own younger sister and brother-in-law to you and love.As for my own ownership, dissatisfied younger sister, I have already been optimistic about.If the heaven helps, I will have my own happiness."
The history friendship noded to smile:"I letter elder sister, have in your eyes happy of expect.The younger sister expects happiness that can see an elder sister soon."
I the face ascend some have a fevers:"Thank younger sister, the elder sister's affair still invites you to keep secret.It is late, you take a rest first.I see an eldest brother, they prepare of how?Tomorrow start, we are taking a brother-in-law to flee from home.Ha ha."I smile graceful bashful in the history in arrive at outdoor.
The preparation work in the second day just orderly carry on, the personnel who expect first has already left impregnable city the waiting is at the wood sub- Inn, Han Yi's person's head also sends with the quickest speed to Ye city.Ma Dai has to be intelligent than what I thought, he searches brook and forest and doesn't discover doubtful point on all sides yesterday and had already gone to again early in the morning today.After extending scope, finally discovered that small hospital.The small hospital of calmness has never cheated Ma Dai, he is from the intravenous drop blood stain in the house and made track for Han Yi of have no head corpse body and that body gorgeous clothing.Ma Dai who feels keenly circumstances severity quickly took Ma Chao to murder the spot.
Ma Chao looking at at present of this have no head corpse, the wise underground reached to secretly check the order of seeking Han Yi.Is very quick, the result returned, all people all have more than two days don't see Han Yi.Han Fu's persons all way their childe have words and live in the outside for several days.Associate yesterday's Han Yi don't be dancing a workshop to appear, Ma Chao understood everything, he made Ma Dai et al forbid to make known clearly, and oneself then came right away a dance workshop in the evening and directly came right away our abodes.
The history friendship hoped to rush into facing out, he smiling tunnel:"Is surprising I don't please from go into, I am afraid miss have been already escaped."
History Ya Yi Lian sneers at:"General then warned fine son yesterday, we which dared to act rashly?"
Ma Chao Hei's Hey smiles to enter a house to sit down:"The courage of fine miss, I once accepted, you were afraid is have Shi to have no perhaps?"
I quickly the hello dollar and Cang Lan prepare and turn head to smile to clap Ma Chao's Ma Pi:"The general joked again.Our sister has what ability?After, the time that depends on general just many."
Ma Chao has been lookinging at the history friendship and smells the speech seeing my 1:"Perhaps your younger sister is your to depend on?"
I a foolish, hurried way:"That BE.I am getting older, dance to jump didn't go as well, only have depend younger sister ……"
Ma Chao Leng hums a words that interrupts me:"You can really gab.Fine miss, I don't want to go around in circles with your sister again as well, this veil is yours?"Put a crape towel lightly in front of history friendship, had no smiling face in Ma Chao Yan.
The history friendship saw one eye veil, light way:"The general wants to send me the veil, but picks black of and pour also unique."
Ma Chao Ze Ze shakes head:"Then it crape you are incognizant, that wants don't I again send you the whole body the beautiful beautiful dress?"He turns a head to signal hint huge virtuous send a burden.
My in the mind lightly sighs a , Han Yi really has no blessing and connected body clothes don't get.The dollar and Cang Lan held dishes to go with wine to enter a house and instructed sort ground to see my one eye, passed to prepare appropriate signal for me and backed the history friendship and my after death.
The history is graceful to coldly see one eye burden, don't talk.Ma Chao from attend to open burden, leave I at Han Yi nearby of the beautiful dress push the history friendship in front, way in the mouth:"Just regrettable this clothes up be stained with few not the thing of Jie, also hoping miss don't abandon.If the miss is dissatisfied, I also look for for the miss come one handle Qiang female in common use thin cow whip."
The history friendship sees clothes, and then lifts to see to see Ma Chao, the corner of mouth peeps out smiling of taunt:"The general can really work hard.I just not understand, what purpose do you so diligently have?The affair that I ask myself to do is as irrelevant as general."
Ma Chao smiled:"Can not say to have nothing to do with me?Open Han Jia Da Dun's childe dies at my rule over inside the scope, Han Gong asks, and I am to can hardly hand over to treat."
I am surprised to shout a , the hurry Wu shut up.The dollar and Cang Lan then stand right away at the history is nearby graceful.The history friendship isn't nervous, looking at a Ma Chao sneer way:"Originally the general fears this.That is simple, you as long as hand over me to go out, don't can hand over to treat?"
Ma Chao sighs a spirit:"Can you also safely sit here if I have this viewpoint?Fine miss, at under admire the courage and artistic skill of miss.Han Yi's living is to have nothing to do with me, I just not understand, he has been already added to your Qing Mu, you even if would not like to with he, and then why the need for want his life, also took his person's head?"
The history is graceful silent for a while, just way:"Accept general to show leniency, I also tell the truth.I have blood enemy with Han Jia, this time come to impregnable city, originally have heart to assassinate Han Lao Ze, what then have no from start.Han Yi seeks dead by himself/herself, also no wonder that I.His person's head I have already sent a person to send the grave of my parents Be ex- to do obeisance a fiesta."
"Blood enemy?The parents' enemy?The miss should be a Qiang people?"Ma Chao's point nods to ask a way.
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