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Would like to upgrade promote jewelry ,jewelry equipment level ,attributes are certainly will rise !Or attach an additional property ,high failure probability of success ,nor was there any loss ! Here ,in the dark eyes flashed a naked Chopin solo !relationresultThere is such a thing ? Unique war is not to be frightened, he have never heard of that battlefield 0 students will fall ,fall this rare items !relationresult,even the often mixed men in battle .
The number of people who did not know this a message ,the message is only a small part of people know ! There is such a thing ?Xiao Hua looked at the hands of the ring ,beating heart suddenly !relationresultThe speech,a few people stepped into a than before the road is more sparse and many short lining in the forest ,but at the same time ,some people looked strange exchanged a glance !relationresultTips:Battlefield battlefield .
Our general refresh in the coordinate advised 0 ,burning ,drafts ,the remaining blood rh !relationresultDamn it.I have become a seer qualification ? Unique war can the staring eyes !relationresultFish in troubled water.
! Xiao Hua saw ,then excited cried .Scuffle on the equipment is not a good game player is a disaster ,but to equip Qin plus carry ,called the great fishing case with opportunity !And they have the wind Oh eight makes Gan Zhufu the big kill ,only three minutes ,if not the 0 students ,to kill the game player also earns a tray full bowl full !relationresultButthe battlefield bless gem ,for Xiao Hua, is also a * * naked seduction !relationresultA fewpeople are not against a good team ,group on the battlefield ,critical moment will hesitate ,beats by dr dre pro,group is not on the battlefield !relationresultSeveral peoplerapidly toward the 0 coordinates of the horse ran .
Close to 0 students during the course ,a few people are naturally more alarm ,the day knows this is it right? There around the enemy camp game player in ambush !relationresultButit is their worry ,in this way ,and did not encounter any enemy ,about five minutes later ,already very close to the battlefield fertilizer health coordinates place, far from the dark forest thinning lining .
Already saw countless magic and skills in the shining !relationresultColoredlight into the eye of a few people ,the heart gradually is to heat up ,have been fighting in front of the atmosphere !relationresultA small number ,estimated to killed rib female .
We go to the periphery of the enemy cleared ,then into the crowd ! Chopin solo from afar at recess ,immediately to make the judgment .In fact they spent five minutes to get here .Relaxation of female is still do not hang, can guess when in the help near the game player and not too much .
relationresultA fewmen nodded ,flying toward the front or the past .relationresultOn the field of battle,to determine the game player is it right? The hostile camp is very simple ,as long as from the other side of body color can know ,the hostile camp body will the tiny red, it is easy to judge .
relationresultA fewpeople go not far, found the original game player and not much, but most game player with the same as they thought ,at the periphery of hunting with !A few people in front of more than 10 meters ,there are two teams in the sisha !And not far from the front and around ,is also a do not know how many flashing figure ! A lot of people !A do not miss ! War is matchless excitement exclaimed ,but he hit painful not to rush ,he also undertakes to protect the kite and Chopin the task, cannot leave the two people too far .
While Xiao Hua and match .After receiving the kite state occasion ,is a Jiang smoke ran .relationresultIn front oftwo teams together fighting each other ,because it is not in the concave ring ,is a mage priest behind, melee in the middle of each other spells .
Can the stalemate that is both the same strength, so both sides not to think of to the rear to the other side of the priest to kill ,because someone could give us the opportunity !Do things by irregular ways in this state is not feasible, so the two sides are very hard to put melee kill again .
relationresultIn this case,is a test of both team cooperation ,although there is a priest in the treatment ,but with enough ,a concentrated fire .Instant destroy kill a melee ,and not !relationresultBut it seemsthat two teams of complexes are insufficient ,the number of concentrated fire ,it is to let the other side to dodge and medicine treatment persisted !relationresultTwoassault team ,who also didn the two figure from rear to front around two body reddish priest and mage behind, is a unique war they figure ,was the rival camps of game player found a time ,look into ,a soldier is shouting a few sentence birds, looks like is to evacuate ,and his staff intends to do the confluence !relationresultBut then,Xiao Hua and the match was standing on the priest and mage behind, then two people together to move up the hand !relationresultLegendmagic blade bright flash ,flash attack fell to Xiao Hua in front of the body in white ,blue eyed blonde preacher who !relationresultApeaceful one lock ,flying witch !A 2 time !A stretch !relationresultAttack,two crit ,blonde priest fell near flourishing moment edge code ,but this woman pastor didn hang !relationresultGee ! Xiao Hua could not help but wonder out loud !relationresultThis beautiful womenpriests equipment seems nice .
But her mate ,how is how much ?relationresultBlondesuddenly ambushed ,rib end moment .A beautiful face is not be frightened and change color !But this beautiful priest seems to be experienced, and he is unflappable ,immediately swallowed a reply to the ugly evil export advanced instantaneous reply !Then build flash ,wanted to avoid !relationresultButa priest speed ,want from Xiao Hua the king of speed to escape ,is somewhat fond dream !relationresultFootmovement ,with Xiao Hua as the shadow follows the form in the beautiful woman priest hands behind ,legend magic blade is very cruel to the foreign minister boron small waist ,severely scratched up, down a little bit .
Estimation will hit people little curls !relationresultIt istime to attack ,but the priest boron is not so good luck ,Xiao Hua continuous crit reproduction ,out of the three crit Rev B ,your body soft ,fell to the ground !relationresultThreedeflowered !relationresultShadow of a doubt,Xiao Hua did not hesitate to not far from the master B rush past ,ready to once again !relationresultSecondmore ,and guaranteed monthly ,and recommended votes !relationresultThe 226th chapter killing spree , relationresultChinathe priest kill after the old ,Mune Kura did not see the priest to bu one one fox ,but the body lying on the grass with blond hair and blue eyes .
The soul of the state on boron is hard stare at this sudden attack of guys ,remember his appearance after .Regardless of the companions around the living dead .He returned to a resurrection .
relationresultXiao Hua wanted torush to fire away the mage is killed ,but the match ... This is also the character big eruption ,even the two crit ,the mage boron immediately fell to the ground !relationresultYeah ! The fire towards the dash to the Xiao Hua hit a .
Victory gesture ,she did not let Xiao Hua kill solution seal ,it is character, match ... Can not help a bit complacent !relationresultThe middle fourtall Western melee game player already managed to sneak out together ,not easy a ,hard skills ,the opponent will be forced back two steps .
But still did not walk a few steps behind a photosphere ,rapid to move rapidly to .Few people in front of a light vortex ,several people took over !relationresultLight!Kite boron free skills ,great probability in seconds to around two metres rival game player have a great attraction ,let the enemy reeling !relationresultFour,there were three light rotation .
Which one is fortunate to escape the suction vortices ,but wanted to escape alive ,is a daydream !Xiao Hua and match ... The two is in a threatening manner like tiger attack ovine Related articles:

