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There is no camp exclusive skill ,read that Xiao Hua hesitated ,high useful camp skills ,it is undoubtedly very attractive .relationresultOn the line,or in the sand city ,although the remaining game player is continued on the line, around the emerging game player figure, but Xiao Hua still obviously feel ,sand the game player ,a lot less ,even if is again a monster siege ,this time will not appear crowded to move .
relationresultWhere? Xiao Hua was one of the first private chat the unique war ,want to know more about what changes the light side .relationresultCan ,really look at the scenes . Unique war soon back words ,words is content to let Xiao Hua somewhat exceeding one .
relationresultThe main task ? Xiao Huamei crumpled ,drama scene, may only is the third chapter of the main line of the task ,but this main task is how matter ,even a line automatically trigger ? Well, but only one task background .
Let us have this one task in the presence of ,next to front office can receive the mission .Don ?Well ,you are not the light faction war is matchless this guy ,in the game before update .
Went to the array ,joined the light ,the Ming camp .relationresultWhat is the content of task . Xiao Hua studied under ,main task, to join a top to participate, reward is too rich !relationresultThe concrete is not clear ,but from the scenes of subtitles ,probably meant to us through the deep monster zone ,and other city to establish contact .
And then build a transfer matrix ! Unique war briefly .relationresultAre you kidding ?Although the game player ranks have multi-stage ,to strengthen the monster also reluctantly ,deep monster area ,how much to die ! Xiao Hua listened to ,not by surprise and said .
As to strengthen the monster District ,read those monsters at the property ,Xiao Huayi heard of this task ,the abnormal response of strong .relationresultWell, which mediated I do not know, want to camp ribs take the task to know .
But I think the situation will have changed ,or more people go deep monster zone ,is also the only death . Unique war also that aggrandizement monster zone horror ,in strengthening the monster ,a guild in at any time ,all the possible .
If go deep monster zone ,if deep monster and rumors of the same ,even more people to the small is not the monster seya !relationresultTo the camp to have a look at the next commander ,task .
Xiao Hua think this may be great .Otherwise the task without breaking the possibility of completion !relationresultKiteand others are on the line ,kite and unique war ,a line, the eyes appeared forced scenes .
relationresultFor thisman can be connected to the main plot of six task ,they show great interest in !System for game player who was not aware of this task .Update ,let the game player to receive a mission .
The task difficulty degree has how old .The need to have most of the game player to do ,be possible to achieve !relationresultSixsubsequently decided to front office .To array ,six is not a surprise ,just a simple place .
Now he is the emergence of a large camp hall !relationresultWith Xiao Hua6 have same ideas of game player not in the minority ,although appeared out of a camp hall ,also appeared on the ten ,but this not have numerous game player came the next task ,monster beats,the front of the hall was crowded camps was bursting at the seams !relationresultYour two what .
In it ,we still on the outside just watching the entire entrance stuffed game player ,Xiao Hua has said .relationresultUnique warnodded ,with the kite ... Squeezing past to camp inside the hall .
relationresultThe elder sister ,how ? Xiao Hua wanted to breathe a sigh of relief ,then ,the match is a little worried look to the rain .relationresultNo ,it two days to contact with them, but have been unable to contact ,do not know they have left sand city is it right? .
Autumn rains. Shook his head ,face gradually resumed usual calm .relationresultLeave the sand city ,how did they leave ? The match was curious .relationresultOh ,they have always wanted to strengthen the monster play area .
I think probably went down there .Where the monster is building ,I was a little worried . Autumn rains. A smile .relationresultfound ! Chopin has been with the team in solo ,silent, when it is said slowly .
relationresultI have a friend added free camp ,I sent a message to contact him, he told me ,free camps also have main task !From his description of the scenario ,tasks and bright camp is a kind ,but that a bit different .
Probably means to help the light side to build transmission, is also advantageous to free camp game player ,hope that help .But the task is not yet connected to the liberal camp ,a city in order to meet ,the scenes ended, he got free camps map in strengthening the monster area entrance coordinate .
, relationresultSomepeople look at Xiao Hua Chopin solo ,Chopin solo is hurried you know say .relationresultThere isthis? Xiao Hua listens, the eye is not narrowed !relationresultSecondmore .
relationresultThe 259th chapter oddball task , relationresultDryfree camp midline task and Miming camp close, Xiao Hua does not Xin seed delta ... ... From this point he made the first chapter mainline mission can be seen ,although that is the neutral free camp .
But if no one leg with the light side .He was believed killed !relationresultBut the gameeach big city in was closed after three months, finally is to contact .To this moment or transmission of long distance transmission of high-tech stuff ,for Xiao Hua .
Is a good news !relationresultHe left thePiaoxue city for a long time ,there is no way before ,can only wait for .Now there is a main line of the task ,he is sure to be going to do .The question now is ,in the light of camp or free camp !relationresultPiaoxue City,he was finally back !relationresultThe light sidefaction hall .
relationresultA lot of people ,the kite to be careful ! Unique war with kite boron in the crowd for a while .Finally is pushed into a front . The brave warrior of the light ,the evil forces of the dark are finally once again surfaced ,and the human city issued a very violent attack !Human have to fight .
Otherwise the human city ,in the near future ,will be the forces of darkness engulfed !Alan Continental ,will once again fell into endless darkness !relationresultAs afirst step to counter the forces of the dark ,bright group leader ,made to restore contact between the city .
We have found to build the transfer matrix method ,transmission even just established ,also want to have the other city transmission array coordinate can transmit .relationresultBraveyou need to do is ,lookout Shacheng transmission coordinate ,through of the shortage of exit .
Terror and desert brought to our neighboring limestone city to city !relationresultThis taskis undoubtedly the field difficult ,while the shortage of land and terror desert monsters are very badly .
But in order to fight the forces of darkness ,this is also have no alternative against one .But please don .The light side had to cope with law !We will prepare you for a holy gem .Light ruby with the power of magic .
The gem with me, can effectively restrain the monster force .relationresultButthe gem is not a panacea ,many monsters ,and not to fear the Holy gem .So we also prepared for you a map ,a map depicting a route along this route ,as long as the forward ,basically very small chance encounter light gem unconquerable monster .
relationresultYou want toknow right now that this task is dangerous, but please don refuse ,we light side ,will not make you to be killed !If you accept this glorious and formidable task ,you will get a special double card for you ,with this card . Related articles:

