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In the process, leaves Yinzhu will also present Qin city situation simply narrated to them again, including the goblin tribe elders Guru, he did not conceal the fact that Beamon was ,at the same time also tell their own heart ,in the future to help soothe the orcs purple .
relationresultThe dwarfs and goblinsare the ancient ethical problems for humans and dragons ,they are not his favor ,but for the orcs relatively close to some .They naturally know Amethyst Beamon in ancient times is how tough ,for Qin City can have such a strong partner ,they naturally only joy .
At the same time leaves Yinzhu also assure them ,even if in the future help violet to deal with the orcs ,never asked them to two people turned out for a soldier of .Please reassure them in Qin city territory life .
relationresultof bamboo ,eat . Sura came in from outside .The Battle City ,is just the beginning of reconstruction, leaf Yinzhu the Lord even their own sites are not, just lived in a small courtyard .
relationresultYe Yinzhu is looking at theall-round magic gun drawings ,to Qin City has twenty days ,dwarves came here also have more than 10 days ,settled down .While the distance Milan magic martial academy opening time already more and more close ,leaf Yinzhu urgent hope to before school starts, get the goblin family of all-round support, so this casting magic gun becomes the key in the key .
The full range of magical guns not only to cast ,but also in the material and technology far exceeds the goblin recognized it, only in this way can the timorous goblins intimidate ,get their real help .
relationresultLook up toSura ,smiled: has the delicious .Let .Sura ,these days you hard .I have no time to accompany you ,was let you out of play ,but now let you so many busy but get nothing .
The trip to the Arctic wilderness ,we basically have been enormous benefits, but nothing Sura .relationresultSurafrowns a little , said these do? You gave me enough, go to dinner . The gentle eyes looked at leaf Yinzhu ,a hooked from the clear eyes flash, Sura hurried to lower the head ,first began to walk outside .
Unconsciously ,she touched his ring finger on his right hand that was unremarkable space ring ,there a meet .relationresultIndeed,these days everyone busy very ,Chang Hao busy in Brenner mountain peaks characterizing some warning of all magic ,Ma Liang ,by virtue of a summon help Qin City construction .
While the ocean is busy every day, and those of the Smurfs girls together .She was very surprised at the Smurfs ,these girls to outside all feel too sensitive .Especially in music, in this short period of time ,they chose their own musical instruments ,no one is the same .
Although the ocean cannot teach them these instruments usage, but in music theory and some from the leaf Yinzhu music knowledge ,to smoke ,to the Smurfs are in the shortest possible time to accept .
Even the sea has been felt by some that they are being produced on the spirit of music .It had said the Smurfs itself is the most pure being, practicing magic will get twice the result with half effort .
relationresultThe first set of piano magic chapter ninety-sixth open casting magic gun ( full ) , relationresultSuratask is most easily ,also nobody paid attention to him .He is to take care of Ye Yinzhu .
The remaining time is accompanied in the leaf Yinzhu side ,he never leaves Yinzhu and talk to others about something to say, just quietly watching him every day .Ye Yinzhu is talking about the things which never evade Sura .
relationresultSura.Chang Hao had eaten ? Leaf Yinzhu side mouth eating Sura food ,while some fuzzy said .Although the goblin tribe made food more delicious .But I don he is most like to eat rice Sura .
That pushed the goblin elders to send a few goblin chef kindness .relationresultSuhandle elbow brace on the table .Looking at the leaves to eat Yinzhu eat like wolves and tigers .The face can not help but to smile a little ,t worry ,Cheap Beats By Dre,everyone ate .
The sea and the Smurfs are together to eat ,she asked me to tell you ,now that the Smurfs girls in Shangdi has increased a lot of knowledge theory .Let you have time to have a look at them ,some knowledge .
, relationresultOh.Know ,be after dinner .I want to go out .Rusinow elders discuss something for . , relationresultSura looked at theleaf Yinzhu . of bamboo .Why are you doing something so focus ? , relationresultLeafYinzhu swallow a mouthful of food .
Why ?Maybe this is from primary school musical form habits .Qin ,whether to do anything .If you can focus on heart ,is impossible ,so ,in practice time, I learned this focus two yu .
, relationresultSura smiled: you know what ?You focus you look silly very pure ,especially when playing the piano . , relationresultAfter Ye Yinzhu finished hislast meal, and said: why do you always say I am silly, I really so stupid ? , relationresultSuralooked deeply into his mind andao .
Of course you silly .You greatest fool .The mouth is not much to say, ok .You are not even find Luceno elders talk about things go ?.I have to tidy up the room ,will not go with you .
, relationresultOh.Yinzhu rose leaf .Began to walk outside .Don ,he always felt that Sura has recently become emotionally increasingly bizarre ,appears to be different from the past and .Although in the face of his time and meet other people do not like, but now they can often see in her eyes sad mood ,leaf Yinzhu believe ,for their emotional judgment is never made mistakes .
relationresultNo timeto think .Ye Yinzhu left the room .Directly to the Anya ancient tree opens teleportation circle ,will himself to the dwarven race seat of the mountain foot, anyway, teleportation circle this thing is not in how much ,only by virtue of their own purple crystal ball to be able to use .
The Brenner mountain range is so big .If each time to find the dwarven race or goblin to walk .Much too tired .Cable Xing get a teleportation circle ,with the power to ascend .Now Yinzhu if only transmitted individually own words ,have not consume too much mana .
relationresultDwarvesto build very fast .They are a good casting national .Time of more than 10 days .They in the goblin tribe ,has dug out of their own to the cave ,and in the cutting process .
Ye Yinzhu also finally see what the shredder .relationresultIt is acompletely by metal casting and giants .There are about eight meters high ,pure mechanical shape need not ask to have extremely complex structure ,the goblin tearing itself is composed of the spar to provide energy to work well .
It has a goblin to control .In precision mechanical action, used to cut or make everything more convenient ,at least with the goblins that weak body can not do things ,can use the shredder to help .
The shredder most wonderful design is both parts .There can be changed into different parts ,so will be able to play a different role .relationresultLeaf. .Here you are . Luciano and Rutter Couture discuss what .
From Shangdi they face can be seen on this festivity Brenner mountain satisfaction .relationresultThe elders luceno .Rutter Couture patriarch . Ye Yinzhu asked two people greeted .relationresultRutterCouture : leaf .
You this territory than we originally the hilly much stronger ,not only the temperature is more appropriate .But the environment is much better ,so many mountain block ,secure Xing will greatly improve ,my race yesterday was the east mountain is a fine iron ore . Related articles:

