
http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap Wu Huang takes ten

8 chapter words count:3227

After the night, the street of Xiang sun is empty, have nothing at all.
Liu has for the sake of the order of maintenance Xiang sun and has already imposed curfew, so the Xiang sun of the night very quiet, could not see shadow of human figure.Be such, on a quiet and out-of-the-way street, burst upon ten several black dress of wearings, the noodles took a black towel, waist the person who hang black iron lance, they quickly rush, toward city west but go.
All the way, although the soldier who accidentally has already met to patrol is all easily stayed away by them.
These ten several black dress persons are exactly the hero building that Wu Huang leads assassin.
They are successive to rush, end stop outside Yang Yi Fu under.These Human body hand best, and is an all experienced experienced person, easy and obscurely got into Yang Fu.
In Yang Fu, quietness of, there is no voice.
In addition to occasionally meeting a house is bright oil lamp, all of rests are utter darknesses one.
Wu Huang takes ten several people to after entering the mansion unexpectedly know Yang Fu's layout and goes straight to the yard that Yang Yi lives.In Yang Yi's bedroom, also bright dusky oil lamp, spread light moan voice and breather voice in the house.If cautiously recognize, can discover to is just a keep woman of Yang Yi and your home or is a wife in the time of very hot vehemence .
Yang Yi just on the interest head, don't notice an outdoor circumstance.
In addition to bedroom, a thin tube at doors and windows last Chuo a small hole, later on thin tube in spew out a smoke.
A very thick smoke lingers around to hover around in the house and in a short while disappears for the dissipation.
"Master, how does the Qie body feel the head being some to faint?"
In the bedroom, spread coy voice.Yang Yi after hearing the clear voice smiled to smile and by hand and mercilessly crumpled to knead that woman, then said a few words, but Yang Yi still and just and industriously cultivates.
Before long, the action in the house disappears and becomes quiet down.
Obviously, Yang Yi and that woman have already been cast under spell.
The just thin tube blows the smoke of , is a kind of very familiar fan's smoke, very quick can gather together an effect.There isn't any voice in the bedroom, Wu sways life the person pry open door, leave two people to hide to wait for outside the bedroom and take the person of the rest into a bedroom.
The order way of one among those persons:"Make moves, kill their 2 people."
Being this person is exactly Wu Huang.
Voice fall in, immediately ring out the voice of the Mao Ca Mao Ca, on the bed Ta naked of 2 people the neck be wrenched off, dided not return alive again of possibility.That woman grows the very fair complexion, and the body is very smooth and slippery plump, extremely ask for an eye, unfortunately was subjected to unexpected calamity, together killed with Yang Yi, became a person who buries along with.
Wu Huang took person's bedroom, lightly of close the door.By this time, an among those assassins' low voice asks a way:"Building lord, Yang Yi has already been put~to death to kill, do Yang Yi's close relatives want to kill?"
"Kill, not only is Yang Yi's close relatives, Yang Fu's person also a don't stay."
Wu Huang's eyebrows is one Yang, flash across in eye a put on harsh countenance.
Asked the assassin of words to hesitate for a while, still kept promising down.Although it is said put~to death to kill Yang Fu's owner, the assassin who have already affected innocence, but is responsible for didn't answer criticism of right, can honest performance Wu sway next reach of order.Ten several assassins all asunder open and silently have no an interest of kill all of Yang Fu's persons.
After midnight, Wu Huang takes a person to quietly leave.
All traces handle clean, didn't leave clues as well as leave any of living.
Yang Jia top and bottom near person, whole be put~to death by Wu Huang to put out.
Cai Fu, when Wu sways to report letter, Wang Can's facial expression greatly changes.
He points at Wu Huang and drinks to scold a way:"I let history deliver a letter of time, have already explained to die the leading figure of killing Yang Fu.Why to kill servant girl, attendant and groom these all of etc.s of irrelevant person?"
Wang Can Yi gets mad, Wu sways and history all kneel on the ground.
Wu Huang Yi is positive language of expression of say:"Lord male, eradicate incompletely, source of endless trouble.Once there is the affair that the person of lapse knows us, certanly will be male to lord disadvantage.Is a particularly main male body in the tiger's den, the crisis is layer after layer, may face danger at any time, so can not be the slightest hand goes limp, maying all want to strangle of any threat lord Mr.."
Wang Can smells speech, the wrath just a little quells.
Wu sways to wear to think for the sake of his safety at least, however Wang Can is still a facial expression cold Jun, greatly drink a way:"Do you know to eradicate incompletely for you?Understand for all of you?"
Although the words are just to say so,have no that sort to frighten a person.
Wu Huang still thinks that the do-it-yourself gets to, crustily the neck says:"Lord Mr. also understands to uproot of truth, that vulgar job removes the door of Yang Shi Yi and haven't right?"
Wu Huang is one loyalty of heart loyal, just kill Yang Jia top and bottom the old and the youngs all.
Wang Can stares at Wu Huang and feels some headaches.
Wu Huang utterly loyally handles affairs, worth Jia prize, but make decision without authorization, the but again is unsuited to rules.If everybody so, not is to change policies too frequently, the orders can not carry through.
Read and here, Wang Can sinks a track:"Yang Jia's whole family is killed, affirmation will result in Xiang sun dismay, will make Liu fully become more of vigilance.By so doing, we rise a matter and then will meet a greater obstruction, I make you put~to death the leading figure of killing Yang Ji, be for easing influence, you but ……calculate, the affair descended, already have no can avoid, oneself gets to punish and livings a self-reflection so much."
The words sound falls in, history all walked to go out with Wu Huang.
After 2 people leave, history feel sorry for a way:"Younger brother Shi, you how so recklessly?Now didn't win award for merit, on the contrary drive lord male punishment, absolutely is do which only causes trouble."
Wu Huang but don't think idea, smile to say;"Master elder brother, it is blessing to suffer a los!Lord Mr. although it is said angry me to overdo, but I expressed loyal through this matter for lord of circumstance, main male affirmation is understand."
Inside the temple, Liu fully gets Yang Yi's whole family is killed of news, thoroughly shocked.
He quickly seeks Zhuge Liang and the Yi book and negotiates a counterplan.
Zhuge Liang seriously says:"Lord Mr., the situation of the Xiang sun variety uncertain, still have already defied in the city lord Mr. of person.The vulgar job thinks to protect person of male 祐 , Xian and etc., so as not to appears an accident."
Be compared to Zhuge Liang's treatment, Sun Gan and Jian Yong differs a lot, because Zhuge Liang ignore is arrive where, all someone with go a protection, but Sun Gan and Jian Yongs have no.
Liu fully sinks a voice to say:"The bore says clearly have a reason, have to protect good officials.Is alas, Yang Jia is the first household that goes and lives with me, now the whole family is killed, have to pacify like.The bore is clear,http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap, you handle Yang Jia's funeral affairs in person, must want scene."Ground to a stop for a while, Liu fully continued to say:"Wang Can Ren also controls from a distance the affair in the city outside the city, have to defend.The uncle of the machine, you begin to handle this matter and hold firmly time to eliminate internal troubles.Would rather kill a wrong person, don't allow to pass as well allegedly a person."
"BE, the vulgar job is understand!"
Zhuge Liang and Yi book nod an answer, 2 people were very quick and then left.
Yang Shi Yi is killed, brought about huge wave tide in the Xiang sun, gobbled up the whole Xiang sun.From morning to evening in everyday all has soldier to search shady character.
Thus, the common people in the city all became birds atartled by the mere twang of a bow and felt that the insecurity is in the city.
But never so hunt for, didn't bring into Wang Can among them.
Because all consensuses think that Wang Can hides outside the city and hasn't gone into city.Finally also just grasped to catch some persons that fly people of all ways of lives, such as thief and petty thief...etc., didn't grasp important person.And the hero building have been hiding is just providing the person with the place for amusing amusement on the clear noodles secretly, also have no disheveled hair now.
Cai Fu, Wang Can sits at above.
Sit a history under and Cai Mei Liang people, history the facial expression jump like sparrows, concussion of say;"The lord is male, Xi house, Ma Jia with come to news to the inherited in the family, say that they all have already got ready.The three greatest households lift a hand to and totally gathered together 6,000 private soldiers, and all provided with excellent weapon and bow and arrow, etc. lord male one make next, can rise a matter in the city."
Cai Mei says:"Lord Mr., the end attains the soldier drawing together more than 8,000 person, as long as is main Mr. one make next, will have a battalion to pour toward us in the city.And the Kuai house and our Cai Jia starts to gather together of private soldier, the total troops foot contains more than 10,000 persons, and the city outside still has Lyu Meng the general to station, want ~only owner together activity, be willing to

