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Friends, welcome you ... .relationresultWith the lovelyDuanmu master roping almost day feelings ,Chen Pingcai walked out of the hospital to ones content .WWw. Duanmu Junjie appeared to be an accident ,although two people really done it again ,but in terms of the final results ,and his presence was a surprise .
relationresultSitting in a taxi,Mr. Chen Pingpie ,although the heart Duanmu Junjie had high ratings ,but in my heart ,everything is hard in pursuit of perfection he or feeling Duanmu Junjie approach there are loopholes .
relationresultAlthough thecapital pride ,but it is not a good thing too fail to show restraint ,in the hospital but he was not clear even to say ,now ,very direct in the Chen Ping heart left a rival image ,I really do not know is the said he was stupid or what .
relationresultImperceptibly,Chen Ping also seems to stand up a wonderful place for those outstanding people struggle ,or appreciation or regret .The mood this thing ,some time to grow up, do not slow .
relationresultMobile phonering tone is very abrupt sounded, Chen Ping took out his mobile phone to look at the numbers ,very strange, a bit of a surprise to connect ,which sounds more let him mouth smile gradually expanded ,a call time is not long ,also five minutes will hang up ,nobody know inside what, but Chen Ping from first to last just say a word or a word : good .
, relationresultChen Pinghangs up face slightly eccentric, cold excited various expressive anomaly .relationresultImmediately afterreceiving Tang Aozhi message ,let Chen Gongzi know is ,this group of the Li family in Yunnan representative chosen location turned out to be ordinary barbecue shop ,which exclude a part very let a person ponder the reasons,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com, this group of big brothers did not have to make a fool of him in the heart .
relationresultThirty or fortyyears old ,in a territory free navigation, to follow this in their mind more and more unfamiliar vocabulary ,one thirty will indeed very difficult habit .
There are difficulties, nature is not accidental .Li Kuafu in that they dare not say anything ,but Li Fu came ,they want to young Chen Ping thoughts ,even a fool will believe .relationresultChen Ping smiled andthe mobile phone in his pocket ,signaled the driver turn on the car ,he looked out of the window back view ,to oneself : may also have to take .
, relationresultAfter all,or that Chen Ping, even if the appearance of arrogant and despotic was removed ,but the heart is strong or not the slightest change, deep this thing ,not after the setback ,is indeed very difficult .
relationresultChen Pingcame to the home of ordinary barbecue shop ,he saw in the Tang Aozhi with two middle-aged uncle polite greetings ,talk cheerfully and humorously .It time to eat ,not many people ,the shop also seems to only the Tang Aozhi this table ,and the table of people shot also generous ,so whether the boss or the waiters were attentive care .
relationresultChen Pingrubbed his face ,put on a smile strode past ,sat down Aozhi side ,watching the two surprised middle-aged uncle, the man made a cigarette ,laughed : two is the uncle of generation of characters ,to keep you waiting ,I .
Self introduction ,Chen biting gold ,call me to bite gold becomes . , relationresultTwo middle-ageduncle seems to also did not think of Chen Pinghui so polite ,a face full of be overwhelmed by an unexpected favour look ,three true seven false, Weimiaoweixiao ,two people took the cigarette mouth kind words ,a set of words ,very neat .
Chen Ping looks interesting ,is not exposed ,when the whole fun watching ,a face smiling ,let a person can what he thought .relationresultIn the presence of outsiders,Tang Aozhi always maintained a gentle loving attitude ,let a person not good guess two to progress to which step softly ,she laughs : husband ,this is Li Yiqiang Uncle Li ,who is his brother ,uncle Li Yiqin .
Two seniors in Yunnan network is very broad ,well informed ,most of the things that are hiding from the two eyes . , relationresultHusband?relationresultHusband.relationresultChen Pingeyelids a wildly ,darling ,don Aozhi tender it is comparable to killing device ,this gentle husband call that a very touching ,even Chen Gongzi could not help heart beats two times .
relationresultButalso count Chen Ping Maria force ,although be Tang Ao one husband called some fainted, but still hear his introduction ,busy laugh : two guys in a few days ago ,usually happen to go to Nanjing ,before leaving to his nephew, the task is very formidable ah ,so I have no bottom ,that trouble you all work together to discuss .
Is late for class today ,if two what annoyed, I recognize punishment . , relationresultChen Pingremarks that sincere words ,expression is sincere ,not much action ,nor do things sloppily ,that recognize punishment, is really a whole cup from a kill ,smiled and said: two elders ,forgive me a .
, relationresultNoconflict of interest ,Chen Pingyi the barbarian low-profile words suddenly let two guys in favour of his rising ,though down Aozhi is polite ,but it is a woman, and two people talking clearly separated a distance ,coupled to the Li Fu and the identity of awe ,three people still can not open up completely .
But Chen Ping does not, no one knows his identity ,relative to the outsider, certainly can let two guys relax ,in Chen Ping a cup of wine, two people is not ambiguous ,whether purely polite or something else, then pour a cup of wine with Chen Pinggan .
relationresultChen Pingset the glass down ,seemingly inadvertently asked : two guys is currently responsible for Yunnan all things ? , relationresultLi Yiqin andLi Yiqiang looked slightly unnatural ,paused before: bit ,just called them ,now is not ,is supposed to be a traffic jam .
, relationresultChen Pingdid not have much say anything unhappy ,with indifferent smile ,grabbed a bunch of barbecue .Said: well ,that we eat first . Then he reached out and touched Tang Aozhi ,softly : hungry ,eat more .
, relationresultTang Aozhihearts with a shake ,Chen Ping watched the greasy hand falls on his head, almost want to kick over the table ,strong self pressure heart this attractive idea ,she still had to pick up the table napkin for this asshole wiping his mouth traces .
relationresultTwo peoplewith a seamless heavenly robe ,come very naturally ,in the Lee brothers two eyes ,is that the couple with their mean what .relationresultYo ,it is intimate lovers ,sister, can not seen you so gentle on a man ,how ?I really want to get married ? Four people sitting at a table at the time of the heist ,a although gentle but seem mystifying voice, Chen Ping looked up ,saw a roughly forty middle-aged woman standing beside, smile .
Beside him, stood a while the handsome but temperament pale young man ,is to help him carry the bag ,relationresultLi Mei ,half the Li family, now in charge of Yunnan underground Casino Bar business .
Him that do not control, he should have the toy boy . Tang Aozhi is not audible voice, Chen Ping slightly nodded ,then raise a smiling face : plum elder sister ?Often hear little about how good you two relations ,said I was jealous ,her like this, days left I run to you that to go ,Li, I have done ,although you are beautiful, but what, have to drink a few cups ,or brother my heart can not balance .
But Li so good skin ,drink wine nor what relation ? , relationresultTangAozhi looked stunned ,Li brothers also some facial muscles twitch ,seems not to have thought of Chen dude Frank .
relationresultTo tell the truth,Li Mei is not outstanding, can at best be generally ,more than 40 years old ,young proud figure is also slightly fat ,in the gorgeous clothes can not hide her increasingly plump figure, if not a month to close this young man thirty thousand dollars for it, she believe that man will not look at him . Related articles:

